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Updated: December 4, 2024
Waving in the wind like a luminous flag, it seemed sometimes to fly round the tower, as if it was just going out, and a moment after it was seen again dancing on its blue point. "The Fire-Maiden! the Fire-Maiden!" cried the terrified fishermen and peasants. All was then explained.
His companions turned also, and gazed at a spot situated about half a mile inland. It was Dundonald Castle. A long flame twisted and bent under the gale, on the summit of the old tower. "The Fire-Maiden!" cried the superstitious men in terror. Clearly, it needed a good strong imagination to find any human likeness in that flame.
"The Fire-Maiden!" shouted Ryan, for the last time, as the apparition, which he and his companions believed supernatural, disappeared. But then the courage of these superstitious Scotchmen, which had failed before a fancied danger, returned in face of a real one, which they were ready to brave in order to save their fellow-creatures. The tempest did not deter them.
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