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But in the year '33 occurred Santa Anna's defection from the liberal party, and the imprisonment of Stephen F. Austin, the Texian representative in the Mexican congress, by the vice-president, Gomez Farias. This was followed by Texas adopting the constitution of 1824, and declaring itself an independent state of the Mexican republic.

Almonte, Gomez Farias, and Domingo Ibarra are the best known in this country. Congress was to have assembled, but not a quorum of the members could be collected. The cholera was raging with excessive and terrible fatality. From the 17th of May to the 16th of June there had been in the city of Mexico 7,846 cases, and on the last day named there were 230 deaths.

Gómez Pedraza, the president whom Guerrero had deposed, was restored to fill out his own term; then, in 1833, Santa Anna was elected, but retired to his estate, leaving the vice-president Gómez Farías in power. He, like Gómez Pedraza, attempted reforms directed chiefly against the Church and the army, with the backing of the Federalist majority in Congress.

"It was my predecessor, Farias, who brought you here, but I would not see you go, because I love you like a brother, and now I have come to you, that between us we may calm your turbulent Texans." "But you must bear in mind," said Austin, "that our rights have been taken from us.