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But the cabman proved a thorn in the flesh. "He'll no' be here himsel', will he? No? Well, he's an eccentric man a fair oddity if ye ken the expression. Great trouble with his tenants, they tell me. I've driven the faim'ly for years. I drove a cab at his father's waddin'. What'll your name be? I should ken your face. Baigrey, ye say? There were Baigreys about Gilmerton; ye'll be one of that lot?

He paused and looked upon her with a face of wrath, into which there stole, as he looked, a twinkle of humour. "Noansense!" he said. "You and your noansense! What do I want with a Christian faim'ly? I want Christian broth! Get me a lass that can plain-boil a potato, if she was a whure off the streets."

He paused and looked upon her with a face of wrath, into which there stole, as he looked, a twinkle of humour. "Noansense!" he said. "You and your noansense! What do I want with a Christian faim'ly? I want Christian broth! Get me a lass that can plain-boil a potato, if she was a whüre off the streets."

He had that zeal for the Lord, it was a fair wonder to hear him pray, but the faim'ly has aye had a gift that way." This father was twice married, once to a dark woman of the old Ellwald stock, by whom he had Gilbert, presently of Cauldstaneslap; and, secondly, to the mother of Kirstie.