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El-Jereed, or Belad-el-Jereed, the country of dates, or literally, the country of the palm branches, is a part of the Sahara, or the hot dry country lying in the immediate vicinity of the Great Desert. Its principal features of soil and climate offer nothing different from other portions of the Sahara, or the Saharan regions of Algeria and Morocco.

A few Arabic Bibles and Hebrew New Testaments were also placed at my disposal for circulation by the Societies. I also wrote an Anti-slavery circular to the British merchants of Mogador, on Lord Brougham's Act. El-Jereed, the Country of Dates. Its hard soil. Salt Lake. Its vast extent. Beautiful Palm-trees. The Dates, a staple article of Food. Some Account of the Date-Palm. Made of Culture.

Tedsi Beneali. Beni Sabih. Tatta and Akka. Mesah or Assah. Talent. Shtouka. General observations on the statistics of population. The Maroquine Sahara. London Jew-boys. Excursion to the Emperor's garden, and the Argan Forests. Another interview with the Governor of Mogador on the Anti-Slavery Address. Opinion of the Moors on the Abolition of Slavery. El-Jereed, the Country of Dates. Its hard soil.

Evidently, however, some improvement has been made of late years. The Arabs of Toser, on the contrary, and which very natural, protested to the French scientific commission that Toser was the finest city in El-Jereed. They pretend that it has an area as large as Algiers, surrounded with a mud wall, twelve or fifteen feet high, and crenated.