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The fact is, many African districts are called by the name of a principal town or village in them, and vice versâ. This place stands on the banks of the Wad-el-Mesah, and is inhabited by some fifteen hundred Shelouhs, who are governed by a Sheikh, nearly independent of Morocco. On Talent and Shtouka, Mr. Davidson remarks.

Tedsi Beneali. Beni Sabih. Tatta and Akka. Mesah or Assah. Talent. Shtouka. General observations on the statistics of population. The Maroquine Sahara. We have briefly to notice the remaining towns and cities of the interior, with some other remarkable places. First, these distinguished and well ascertained places in the kingdom of Fez.

But they seem absolutely necessary to the very existence of the Mussulmen of North Africa, who cannot live without them, or make profitable exchange of the products of the soil, or of native industry, for European articles of use and luxury. Shtouka, or Stuka, is, according to some, a large town or village; or, as stated by Davidson, a district.

Tedsi Beneali. Beni Sabih. Tatta and Akka. Mesah or Assah. Talent. Shtouka. General observations on the statistics of population. The Maroquine Sahara. London Jew-boys. Excursion to the Emperor's garden, and the Argan Forests. Another interview with the Governor of Mogador on the Anti-Slavery Address. Opinion of the Moors on the Abolition of Slavery. El-Jereed, the Country of Dates. Its hard soil.