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The quarters from the gate El Djoma, along the southern parts of the town, as far as the Egyptian gate, and the great market-street, are: Derwan, Es-Salehye, Zogag Yahou, Haret Ahmed Heydar, Haret Beni Hosseyn, the tribe of Beni Hosseyn living here; Haret el Besough, Haret Sakyfet, Er-Resas, Zogag el Zerendy, Zogag el Kibreit,

It is just beyond the town-walls, near the gate of Bab Djoma, and bears the name of El Bekya. A square of several hundred paces is enclosed by a wall which, on the southern side, joins the suburb, and on the others is surrounded with date-groves.

The quarters lying to the north of the street El Belat, extending to the north of the mosque, as far as the gate El Djoma, are: El Hamata, Zogag el Habs, Zogag Ankyny, Zogag es' Semahedy, Haret el Meyda, Haret es' Shershoura, Zogag el Bedour, Haret el Agowat, where the eunuchs of the mosque live.

Near to the mosque of Koba stands a building erected by Sultan Morad, for dervishes. A little beyond the village, on the road towards the town, stands a small chapel, called Mesdjed Djoma, in remembrance of the spot where the people of Medina met Mohammed upon his arrival. EL KEBLETYN. Towards the N.W. of the town, about one hour distant, a place is visited bearing this name.