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If Hylda had not come at that crucial instant, the chairmaker's but on the hill would be empty. Why had not Soolsby told the world the truth since? Was the man waiting to see what course he himself would take? Had the old chair-maker perhaps written the truth to the Egyptian to his brother David. His brother! The thought irritated every nerve in him.

After visiting Jasper Kimber at Heddington, as I came back over the hill by the path we all took that day after the Meeting Ebn Ezra Bey, my father, Elder Fairley, and thee and me I drew near the chairmaker's but where thee lived alone all those sad months. It was late evening; the sun had set.

After visiting Jasper Kimber at Heddington, as I came back over the hill by the path we all took that day after the Meeting Ebn Ezra Bey, my father, Elder Fairley, and thee and me I drew near the chairmaker's but where thee lived alone all those sad months. It was late evening; the sun had set.

The moment Tracy was alone his spirits vanished away, and all the misery of his situation was manifest to him. To be moneyless and an object of the chairmaker's charity this was bad enough, but his folly in proclaiming himself an earl's son to that scoffing and unbelieving crew, and, on top of that, the humiliating result the recollection of these things was a sharper torture still.

If Hylda had not come at that crucial instant, the chairmaker's but on the hill would be empty. Why had not Soolsby told the world the truth since? Was the man waiting to see what course he himself would take? Had the old chair-maker perhaps written the truth to the Egyptian to his brother David. His brother! The thought irritated every nerve in him.