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One of the most aberrant pictures of the sun, which I think can be identified with probability, is shown in the design on the specimen illustrated in plate CXXXIV, b. The reasons which have led me to this identification may briefly be stated as follows: Among the many supernaturals with which modern Hopi mythology is replete is one called Calako-taka, or the male Calako.

The Hopi women had been instructed to place baskets woven of grass at the foot of the rock, and in these Calako's wives placed the seeds of squashes, melons, beans, and all the other vegetables which the Hopi have since possessed. "Calako and his wives, after announcing that they would again return, took off their masks and garments, and laying them on the rock disappeared within it.

These are vestiges of a test formerly practiced by the young men who aspired for admission to the fraternity of the Calako. The Calako is a trinity of two women and a man from whom the Hopi obtained the first corn, and of whom the following legend is told: "In the early days, before houses were built, the earth was devastated by a whirlwind.