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We staid two days on board the Bussole, and were most hospitably and politely entertained, and very much pressed to pass a longer time with them.

The Bussole and Astrolabe sailed from Botany-Bay the 11th of March.

The two strangers proved to be the Bussole and Astrolabe, which sailed from Brest in June, 1785, upon discoveries, and were commanded by Mons. de la Perouse; Mons. de L'Angle, who commanded one of the ships when they left France, had been lately, when the ships were at the Islands of Navigators, murdered, with several other officers and seamen, by the natives; who had, before that unfortunate day, always appeared to be upon the most friendly and familiar terms with them.

When I took my leave the weather proved too stormy to be able to get along the coast in an open boat; I therefore left the long-boat on board the Bussole, took my gun, and, with another officer and two seamen, travelled through the woods and swamps, of which there were many in our route.

The Sirius arrives in Botany-Bay. Finds the Supply at anchor there. Arrival of the Bussole and Astrolabe. Leave Botany-Bay, and anchor in Port Jackson.

Persons, manners, and habitations. Method of hunting. Animals described. Birds, and insects. Diary of the weather. Departure of the Bussole and Astrolabe. A convict pretends to have discovered a gold mine. The fraud detected. Observations for the longitude, etc.