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The canvass that ensued was terribly exciting Douglas alone, of all the Presidential candidates, bravely taking the field, both North and South, in person, in the hope that the magnetism of his personal presence and powerful intellect might win what, from the start owing to the adverse machinations, in the Northern States, of the Administration or Breckinridge-Democratic wing seemed an almost hopeless fight.

The canvass that ensued was terribly exciting Douglas alone, of all the Presidential candidates, bravely taking the field, both North and South, in person, in the hope that the magnetism of his personal presence and powerful intellect might win what, from the start owing to the adverse machinations, in the Northern States, of the Administration or Breckinridge-Democratic wing seemed an almost hopeless fight.

But now occurred the great Presidential struggle of 1860 which involved not alone the principles of Protection, but those of human Freedom, and the preservation of the Union itself between Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, the candidate of the Republican party, as against Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, the National or Douglas-Democratic candidate, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, the Administration or Breckinridge-Democratic candidate, and John Bell of Tennessee, the candidate of the Bell-Union party.

But now occurred the great Presidential struggle of 1860 which involved not alone the principles of Protection, but those of human Freedom, and the preservation of the Union itself-between Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, the candidate of the Republican party, as against Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, the National or Douglas-Democratic candidate, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, the Administration or Breckinridge-Democratic candidate, and John Bell of Tennessee, the candidate of the Bell-Union party.