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And arter that she stopped at a place Poplar way, where there was a few swings and roundabouts and things. She was as skittish as a school-gal, and arter taking pore Sam on the roundabout till 'e didn't know whether he was on his 'eels or his 'ead, she got 'im into a boat-swing and swung 'im till he felt like a boy on 'is fust v'y'ge.

"At fifteen I see her knocked down by a boat-swing; a boy from opposite brings her home." "Passing at the time," murmured Miss Dowson. "His head is done up with sticking-plaster. I see her apprenticed to a dressmaker. I see her " The voice went on monotonously, and Flora, gasping with astonishment, listened to a long recital of the remaining interesting points in her career.

"At fifteen I see her knocked down by a boat-swing; a boy from opposite brings her home." "Passing at the time," murmured Miss Dowson. "His head is done up with sticking-plaster. I see her apprenticed to a dressmaker. I see her " The voice went on monotonously, and Flora, gasping with astonishment, listened to a long recital of the remaining interesting points in her career.

And arter that she stopped at a place Poplar way, where there was a few swings and roundabouts and things. She was as skittish as a school-gal, and arter taking pore Sam on the roundabout till 'e didn't know whether he was on his 'eels or his 'ead, she got 'im into a boat-swing and swung 'im till he felt like a boy on 'is fust v'y'ge.