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The quotations which were made above in favor of the strict doctrine from Sir T. Raymond, in Bessey v. Olliot, and from Sir William Blackstone, in Scott v. Shepherd, are both taken from dissenting opinions.

According to the current views the families with the petals of their flowers united are regarded as one or two main branches of the whole pedigree of the vegetable kingdom. Eichler and others assume them to constitute one branch, and therefore one large subdivision of the system. Bessey, on the other hand, has shown the probability of a separate origin for those groups which have inferior ovaries.

"For the injury is the same, although this mischance was not by a common negligence, but by misadventure." /1/ The above-mentioned instances of the stick and shooting at butts became standard illustrations; they are repeated by Sir Thomas Raymond, in Bessey v. Olliot, /2/ by Sir William Blackstone, in the famous squib case, /3/ and by other judges, and have become familiar through the textbooks.

Other recent important contributions to science have been made by Vernon L. Kellogg, whose work has dealt principally with American insects, and whose recent book on that subject has been recognized as a standard authority; by Charles Edward Bessey, professor of botany at the University of Nebraska since 1884, a pupil of Dr.