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Four days later the wind veering round to the southward Admiral Barcelo, with his fleet, returned to the bay; and the blockade was renewed. Already, Captain O'Halloran and his wife had the most ample reasons for congratulating themselves that they had taken Dr. Burke's advice, in the matter of vegetables and fowls.

Captain Antonio Riquer! A hero of Iviza, as great a mariner as Barceló, who fought at Gibraltar and led the expedition against Algiers, but as Barceló was a Majorcan and the other an Ivizan all the honors and decorations were bestowed upon the former. If there were such a thing as justice the sea ought to swallow the haughty island, the stepmother of Iviza.

The Spanish admiral, Barcelo, in a seventy-four gun ship, endeavoured to cut her off firing two broadsides of grape and round shot at her but, with the other man-of-war, was compelled to retire by the batteries at Europa; and the cutter made her way in triumphantly, insultingly returning the Spanish admiral's fire with her two little stern guns.

Ariete 0 0 26.1 Steel Rayo 0 0 25.5 Steel Azor 0 0 24.0 Steel Halcon 0 0 24.0 Steel Habana 0 0 21.3 Steel Barcelo 0 0 19.5 Steel Orion 0 0 21.5 Steel Retamosa 0 0 20.5 Steel Ordonez 0 0 20.1 Steel Ejercito 0 0 19.1 Steel Pollux 0 0 19.5 Steel Castor 0 0 19.0 Steel Aire 0 0 8.0 Steel NAME. Tonnage. Guns in Speed in Hull. Batteries. knots/hour.