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That fundamental datum of planetary astronomy the mass of Jupiter was corrected by similar means; and it was reassuring to find the correction in satisfactory accord with that already introduced from observations of the asteroidal movements.

The orbit of Pallas, with its inclination of 34° 42', touches the limit of departure from the ecliptic level; the average obliquity of the asteroidal paths is somewhat less than that of the sun's equator; their mean eccentricity is below that of the curve traced out by Mercury, and all without exception are pursued in the planetary direction from west to east.

To this it was at first replied that the perturbations of the asteroidal orbits, by the attractions of the major planets, would soon displace them in such a manner that they would cease to intersect. One of the first investigations undertaken by the late Prof.

Some observations have also shown a variation in the intensity of the light from Vesta, a most interesting fact, which becomes still more significant when considered in connection with the great variability of another most extraordinary member of the asteroidal family, Eros, which is to be described presently. The orbits of the asteroids are scattered over a zone about 200,000,000 miles broad.