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Updated: October 31, 2024
"Is it possible that M. Pons has such a fortune, living as he does? There is not a hundred francs in the place " "Amateursh are all like that," Remonencq remarked sententiously. "Then do you think that my gentleman has worth of seven hundred thousand francs, eh? "If he would take fifty thousand francs for one up there that I know of, I would find the money if I had to hang myself.
"Is it possible that M. Pons has such a fortune, living as he does? There is not a hundred francs in the place " "Amateursh are all like that," Remonencq remarked sententiously. "Then do you think that my gentleman has worth of seven hundred thousand francs, eh? "If he would take fifty thousand francs for one up there that I know of, I would find the money if I had to hang myself.
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