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"Gone?" demanded Drennen. "Where? When?" "Where? Who knows? When?" He shrugged. "Two, t'ree, four hours, peutêtre six." "Who was with her?" "Ho," cackled the old man so that Drennen's hands itched to be at the withered throat, "where she go, there are men to follow! Me, when I am yo'ng, before Mamma Jeanne make me happy, I . . ." "Damn you and your Mamma Jeanne!" cried Drennen.

Dans l'Elysee assis, près du cef des Césars, Ou dans le ciel, peutêtre entre Bellone et Mars. Fais-moi te suivre en tout, exauce ma prière; Puis se-je ainsi remplir, et finir ma carrière." The application to the immediate circumstances of those brave gentlemen was painfully direct.

As he spoke he turned and saw Ninitta on the threshold. "Shall you want me to-day?" the latter asked of Helen. "What made that girl look so savage?" Fenton questioned as the door closed behind the model. "She perhaps chooses to be jealous of me," Helen replied composedly. "Elle a peutetre raison." "Perhaps." "You say that too calmly by half," was his gay response.

P.S. Si votre Excellence ont peutetre entendu que j'ai fait quelque chose contre l'honneur d'un officier et cela vous empeche de m'ecrir, je vous prie de me donner l'occasion de me defendre, et jugez apres la verite. The unfortunate Slatin understood well enough the cause of Gordon's silence.

Autre crime, le Citoyen Duplessis, qui etoit premier commis des finances, sous Clugny, avoit conserve, comme c'etoit l'usage, la cachet du controle general d'alors un vieux porte-feuille de commis, qui etoit au rebut, ouble au dessus d'une armoire, dans un tas de poussiere, et auquel il n'avoit pas touche ne meme pense depuis dix ans peutetre, et sur le quel on parvint a decouvrir l'empreinte de quelques fleurs de lys, sous deux doigts de crasse, acheva de completer la preuve que le Citoyen Duplessis etoit suspect et la voila, lui, enferme jusqu'a la paix, et le scelle mis sur toutes les portes de cette campagne, ou, tu te souviens, mon cher Freroa que, decretes tous deux de prise de corps, apres le massacre du Champ de Mars, nous trouvions un asyle que le tyran n'osoit violer."

When the odious Voltaire urged his followers to "Crush the Infamous," he had in mind that virtue which is specially characteristic of Christianity. A century later Renan said: "Nature cares nothing for chastity." Les frivoles out peutêtre raison "The gay people are perhaps in the right." Against this doctrine of devils Arnold uttered a protesting and a warning voice.

"I should hope so!" exclaimed his hostess. "But you will at least have her to yourself, and that pays for every thing." "Oh, peutetre!" Fenton returned dubiously, perfectly well aware that the remark had been made to elicit comment, yet too fond of talking to resist temptation and leave it unanswered, "peutetre, though I never believed in the desert-island theory.

I have never said you have fleas. C'etait pas moi, tu sais. JaMAIS, c'etait un autre. Peutetre c'etait Mexique" turning his head in Mexique's direction and roaring with laughter "Hello, HEH-LOH. Barbu? Tu sais, Barbu, j'ai jamais dit ca. Au contraire, Barbu. J'ai dit que vous avez des totos" another roar of laughter "What? It isn't true? Good. Then. What have you got, Barbu? Barbu?

Les Allemands, they have taken them also ... they are dead also, peutetre." "And you?" I continued. "Where was your home?" "Ah, but it is the long story. We live close by Liége. It is a small village. The Uhlans come and we are sorely frightened. We hide in the cellar, and do not go out at all. While there les Allemands post a notice in the village.

As I was conducted from the bureau I asked him point-blank: "How long am I to stay here?" to which he answered "Oh, peutetre un jour, deux jours, je ne sais pas." Two days in a gendarmerie would be enough, I thought. We marched out. Behind me the bedslippered rooster uhahingly shuffled. In front of me clumsily gamboled the huge imitation of myself. It descended the terribly worn stairs.