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"Your connection with the Scarlet Pimpernel," suggested Chauvelin blandly. "Quite so. I should not defend myself " "And your enigmatical friend would not attempt your rescue. C'est entendu," said Chauvelin with his wonted blandness.

Will you not pass in? The room is ready; the lamp is lighted. There is an agent of the police always at the end of the street now." "Ah, bah!" and he shrugged his shoulders contemptuously. "I am not afraid of them. There is only one thing to be feared, Citizen Jacquetot the press. The press and the people, bien entendu." "If you despise the people why do you use them?" asked Jacquetot abruptly.

"Even to the ladies and Mr. Littlepage in the bargain," returned Herman Mordaunt, casting a glance at me, and smiling. "Each and all of us will testify he not only had a plenty of supper, but that which was good." "I see by the general smile," cried Bulstrode, "that them is a sous entendu here, and shall insist on being admitted to the secret."

Of course I don't mean to assert, either, that this tropical university will in itself suffice for all the needs of educated or rather of educable men. It must be taken, bien entendu, as a supplementary course to the Literæ Humaniores. There are things which can only be learnt in the crowded haunts and cities of men in London, Paris, New York, Vienna.

He also said: 'J'ai entendu dans votre Rienzi un instrument, que vous appelez Basse-tuba; je ne veux pas bannir cet instrument de l'orchestre: faites m'en une partie pour la Vestale. It gave me great pleasure to perform this task for him with all the care and good judgment I could dispose of.

Yes, I had been in Paris. I hastened to headquarters and asked for long and indefinite leave on urgent private affairs, all the lies I thought mon colonel would swallow, but no word of war, bien entendu! Praise be to Allah they put no obstacle in my way and I left at once. Since then I have ridden almost without stopping, night and day.

Never were philosophers more ignorant of human nature than they, so numerous in the last century, who imagined that men can be always moved by a sense of interest, and that enlightened self-interest, L'interet bien entendu, suffices to found and sustain the state.

P.S. Si votre Excellence ont peutetre entendu que j'ai fait quelque chose contre l'honneur d'un officier et cela vous empeche de m'ecrir, je vous prie de me donner l'occasion de me defendre, et jugez apres la verite. The unfortunate Slatin understood well enough the cause of Gordon's silence.

I left him this morning, placidly preparing to depart at half an hour's warning. He was packing, with that repose of manner which you have perhaps noticed. Better than Vespers, better than absolution, is Cartoner's repose of manner for me, bien entendu. But, then, I am not a devout man." "Then you have done what I asked you to do," said Wanda, "some time ago, and I am very grateful."

He laughed as he set his glass down on the little cabin table. "No ill-feeling on either side," he added. "C'est entendu." He made a half-movement as if to shake hands across the table and thought better of it, remembering, perhaps, that his own palm was not innocent of blood-money. For the rest they had been friendly enough on the voyage.