United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They give occasion, it is pretended, to much extortion in the officers of the farmers-general who collect the tax, which is in a great measure arbitrary and uncertain. In the greater part of the libels which have been written against the present system of finances in France, the abuses of the controle make a principal article.

"You shall be intendant of the finances, M. Colbert." "But there is already a superintendent, sire." "I know that." "Sire, the superintendent of the finances is the most powerful man in the kingdom." "Ah!" cried Louis, coloring, "do you think so?" "He will crush me in a week, sire. Your majesty gives me a controle for which strength is indispensable.

As for the times while he was in the Tower, and the manner of his brother's death, and his own escape, she knew they were things that were few could controle: and therefore she taught him only to tell a smooth and likely tale of those matters, warning him not to vary from it." Indeed! Margaret must in truth have been a Juno, a divine power, if she could give all these instructions to purpose.

"Thare the bullrushes growed, and the cattails so tall, And the sunshine and shadder fell over it all; And it mottled the worter with amber and gold Till the glad lilies rocked in the ripples that rolled; And the snake-feeder's four gauzy wings fluttered by Like the ghost of a daisy dropped out of the sky, Or a wownded apple-blossom in the breeze's controle As it cut acrost some orchurd to'rds the old swimmin'-hole.

They will tell you that there is nothing to be procured in the market; but if you proceed to the spot, you will at least see succulent legs of mutton exposed for sale. Tunisia is a sheep-rearing country there are sixty thousand sheep in the controle of Gafsa alone but you may live there a lifetime before seeing a leg of mutton at a country table d'hote.

"Oh! the old swimmin'-hole! whare the crick so still and deep Looked like a baby-river that was laying half asleep, And the gurgle of the worter round the drift jest below Sounded like the laugh of something we onc't ust to know Before we could remember anything but the eyes Of the angels lookin' out as we left Paradise; But the merry days of youth is beyond our controle, And it's hard to part ferever with the old swimmin'-hole."

I will send you the extract from Lady Sutherland's letter in my next. The President has told me this morning that Mr. Neckar a faille d'etre pendu. Il voulut tirer son epingle du jeu; il fut sur le point de partir; on ne pousse pas la Liberte a ce point en France; il n'avait pas demande permission a la Populace; ainsi, sans autre forme de proces, on voulut le conduire du Controle a la Lanterne.

They are levied at very little expense, and in general subject the contributors to no other inconveniency, besides always the unavoidable one of paying the tax. In France, the stamp duties are not much complained of. Those of registration, which they call the Controle, are.

"You shall be intendant of the finances, M. Colbert." "But there is already a superintendent, sire." "I know that." "Sire, the superintendent of the finances is the most powerful man in the kingdom." "Ah!" cried Louis, coloring, "do you think so?" "He will crush me in a week, sire. Your majesty gives me a controle for which strength is indispensable.