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They will tell you that there is nothing to be procured in the market; but if you proceed to the spot, you will at least see succulent legs of mutton exposed for sale. Tunisia is a sheep-rearing country there are sixty thousand sheep in the controle of Gafsa alone but you may live there a lifetime before seeing a leg of mutton at a country table d'hote.

All children need to know what other parts of their own land look like, and what is produced; they ought to trace the products within reach to their origin, and this will involve descriptions of such things as fisheries at Hull or Aberdeen, the coal mines of Wales or Lanarkshire, pottery districts of Stafford, woollen and cotton factories of Yorkshire and Lancashire, mills driven by steam, wind and water, lighthouses, the sheep-rearing districts of Cumberland and Midlothian, the flax-growing of northern Ireland, and much else, and the means of transit and communication between all these.

These woollens had long been manufactured on the domestic system in the sheep-rearing districts of England, particularly Yorkshire; many a cottage with its four acres for farming had also its spinning-wheel, and many a village its loom; and the cloth when finished was conveyed by pack-horses or waggons to the markets and fairs to be sold for export or home consumption.

It pleased her to think that the looker who is always the principal man on a farm such as Ansdore, where sheep-rearing is the main business deferred to her openly, before the other hands, spoke to her with drawling respect, and for ever followed her with his humble eyes. She liked to feel those eyes upon her.