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"You don't mean to say," says Barnes, addressing Florac in French, on which he piqued himself, "que vous avez un tel manche a votre nom, et que vous ne l'usez pas?" Florac shrugged his shoulders; he at first did not understand that familiar figure of English speech, or what was meant by "having a handle to your name." "Moncontour cannot dine better than Florac," he said.

Just, the deviser of a thousand enormities, when he left the Committee, after his last interview, with the project of sending them all to the Guillotine, telling them, in a tone of tender reproach, like a lover of romance, "Vous avez fletri mon coeur, je vais l'ouvrir a la Convention."

At last, with mysterious roguishness, he inquired what it contained, and on being answered, shook his head with kindly incredulity. "NON," said he, "NON, VOUS AVEZ DES PORTRAITS." And then with a languishing appeal, "VOYONS, show me the portraits!" It was some little while before the Arethusa, with a shout of laughter, recognised his drift.

After an absence of five weeks Gilbert was very glad to see us back, and to hear that M. Delaborde had been very encouraging to Mary. At the end of the last lesson he had said: "A l'annee prochaine; je suis certain que vous reviendrez: vous avez le feu sacre." Several projects of books had occurred to Mr. Hamerton, which he submitted to his publishers for advice. He had thought of "Rouen," but Mr.

He looked at me again, "Ah! vos cheveux sont gris, mais pour les sourcils, non pas, vous avez raison," and altering them to "noirs," he sent me about my business. Bar and bolt were opened, and at length we found ourselves in the presence of these popular prisoners Popular, at least, amongst the female part of the world.

'It is I who have given you the greatest gift, I said. 'I have given you a regret and an illusion. Vous avez donc tout eu. That night he killed himself." "And you, Paula, did you feel a murderess?" "No, a saviour." She was dressed in pale lilac the coolest lilac in the world. It rippled round her like loving caressing waves. "What is your dress called, Paula?" "Oasis," she said.

"Ah, but so old-fashioned I do believe I not see my money for it. Voyez-vous, de Lady Lucy is one petite lady si jolie, mais tres petite. If she were de tall grand lady, you see de great dresses could fit small lady, but de leetle dresses fit but ver few." "If I sell the green velvet I must have another next winter!" murmured Lady Lucy. "Ah! vous avez raison when de season nouveautes come in.

She dragged her arm away in such a hurry that she scratched her hand on a pin that Agnès had stupidly left in my belt. "Voyez! vous avez fait saigner ma main," she said almost crying with fury. All I said was, "Qui s'y-frotte s'y pique," and as we had got to the door of my room, I went off in fits of laughter she looked so like a cross monkey I could not help it!

Comme il n'y avait pas de reporter, et que je n'avais aucune note, et comme l'auditoire, y compris nos Seigneurs les eveques, avait accueilli mon speech avec bienveillance, je l'ai note sur le papier comme disent les musiciens avant de me coucher. Vous avez ete presque mon parrain a Oxford, je vous en dois bien la copie. C'est, en tous cas, un temoignage de ma fidele amitie.

His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings as when he said, in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," "Vous avez trouvez un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.