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Schiller's version runs thus: Der ganze Saal war Ohr, jedweder Mund verschlossen, Und Fuerst Aeneas, hingegossen Auf hohem Polstersitz, begann: Dein Wille, Koenigin, macht Wunden wieder bluten, Die keine Sprache schildern kann: Wie Trojas Stadt verging in Feuerfluten, Den Jammer willst du wissen, die Gefahr, Wovon ich Zeuge, ach, und meistens Opfer war.

No nation should be by its traditions and its ideals more ready to arm itself, and to keep itself armed if necessary for years, against the possibility of the transference of such methods to the American continent than the United States of North America. "Theuer ist mir der Freund, doch auch den Feind kann ich nützen, Zeigt mir der Freund, was ich kann, lehrt mir der Feind was ich soll,"

The Chamber of the Cloth of Gold and the Old Throne Room are highly ornamented, and contain massive gold and silver mementos of former kings and of Emperor William's long career. Here also is the great crystal chandelier which once hung in the Hall of the Conclave at Worms, and under which Luther stood when he made the immortal declaration, "Hier stehe ich; ich kann nicht andere; helfe mir Gott.

"CHARLOTTENBURG, den 30 August, 1712. "Ew. Churf. Daraus kann man auch die PREDESTINATION sehen, dass alle seine Bruder haben daran sterben mussen, dieser aber bekommt sie ohne Muhe wie seine Schwester. "Ew. Churf. Durchl. gehorsamster Diener und treuer Sohn, "Your Electoral Highness's most obedient Servant and true Son,

In one form or another, whether as Greek or Christian or naturalistic, fatality has remained an abiding element in the idea of tragedy. The purpose or passion or sentiment which impels the hero to undertake and maintain the struggle must be a part of his nature so integral that nothing else is possible for him. "Ich kann nicht anders" is the cry of every tragic personality.

While lying in the old churchyard the bones of Schiller became commingled with others in the vault, so that the proper reassembling of his mortal framework, in the year 1826, was a matter of some perplexity. The Verdict of Posterity Alles was der Dichter geben kann ist seine Individualitaet; diese musz also wert sein, vor Welt und Nachwelt aufgestellt zu werden. Review of Buerger, 1791.

The tempest of his wrath subsided as suddenly as it had risen, and he stood short-sightedly, his head thrust forward, peering into my eyes, helpless, panting, disarmed. "You will not ah, you will not!" I whispered. "Ach, Du!" he murmured. "Du bist mein Frankenstein! Ich kann nicht ich ich habe alles verloren, verloren! Ehre, Ruhm, Pflicht, Redlichkeit, den guten Namen! Verloren! Verloren!"

Luther's movement, in religion, had been the logical forerunner of democracy, of universal suffrage in government, the death-knell of that misinterpretation of Christianity as the bulwark of monarchy and hierarchy had been sounded when he said, "Ich kann nicht anders!"

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me . . . yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.

Ich weiss ein Land, wo aus sonnigem Grün Um versunkene Temple die Trauben blühn, Wo die purpurne Woge das Ufer besaümt, Und von kommenden Sängern der Lorbeer träumt; Fern lockt es und winkt dem verlangenden Sinn, Und ich kann nicht hin kann nicht hin!" As Madelon sang these last words she looked up, and her eyes met Graham's, as he stood leaning against the piano, gazing at her face.