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From these sombre forests came a race who still find it lonely to be alone, and they herd together still for safety as of old, and have no love of physical speculation. They are daring in thought and theory, but cautious in physical and personal matters. An office stool followed by a pension contents all too many men in Germany. "Reden, Handeln, Tun und Wandeln Zeigt der Menschen Wesen nicht.

He is too fond of going directly to life, and borrowing life's natural utterance. He forgets that when Art surrenders her imaginative medium she surrenders everything. Goethe says, somewhere In der Beschrankung zeigt Fsich erst der Meister, "It is in working within limits that the master reveals himself," and the limitation, the very condition of any art is style.

Alas! well understood, this place is the earth, this country of one's dreams is heaven, and this suffering is the eternal homesickness, the thirst for happiness. "In der Beschraenkung zeigt sich erst der Meister," says Goethe.

No nation should be by its traditions and its ideals more ready to arm itself, and to keep itself armed if necessary for years, against the possibility of the transference of such methods to the American continent than the United States of North America. "Theuer ist mir der Freund, doch auch den Feind kann ich nützen, Zeigt mir der Freund, was ich kann, lehrt mir der Feind was ich soll,"

He quotes with approval those admirable words from Goethe, "In der Beschrankung zeigt sich erst der Meister"; yet still always finds himself wavering between "frittering myself away on the infinitely little, and longing after what is unknown and distant." There is, doubtless, over and above the physical consumptive tendency, an instinctive turn of sentiment in this touching confession.