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And in like manner on they went through the evening, frittering the time away at playing with edged tools. A friendship so begunif so unworthy an intimacy may be called by that sweet nameboded no good to either of the two, and that evening marked a decided turn for the worse in Kate Leavenworth’s career. David had found it necessary to take a journey which might keep him away for several weeks.

Such a frittering away of sacred things was, however, very far from meeting with public approbation in Athens itself, although so many people in that city had reached that state of mental development in which it was impossible for them to continue to accept the national faith.

When one's blood leaps for new scenes, new adventures, and one needs money, what is the use of frittering away time alternately between the Bayou Teche and New Orleans? Sylves' had brooded all summer, and now that September had come, he was determined to go.

Turnips were the dream of her child's young ambition. While other youths were frittering away in frivolous amusements the precious years of budding vigor which God had given them for useful preparation, this boy was patiently enriching his mind with information concerning turnips. The sentiment which he felt toward the turnip was akin to adoration.

Viewing the work as a whole such divergence in practice seemed an error. There is power in unity; results worth while follow. There is loss in the frittering away of time caused by casual experiment; moreover, it bears heavily on the child. To this you may be inclined to answer that social and moral conditions vary so in each city and town that the individual condition must be faced individually.

He's stayed with you for three years; utterly incapable of appreciating you, as I know he is, bothering you to death. 'Oh, Aylmer! 'Don't I know him? You're wasting and frittering yourself away for nothing. 'The children 'Don't you think I'd have looked after the children better than he? 'Yes, I do, Aylmer. But he is their father. They may keep him straight.

Such levity, superimposed on the notion of 'sport', was intolerable to Cytherea; for a woman seems never to see any but the serious side of her attachment, though the most devoted lover has all the time a vague and dim perception that he is losing his old dignity and frittering away his time. 'But will you not try again to get on in your profession? Try once more; do try once more, she murmured.

"I must do without him," Saton answered. Pauline looked at him critically, dispassionately. "I do not believe that you can do without him," she said. "You are losing your hold upon your work. I have noticed it for weeks. Don't you think that you are frittering away a great deal of your time and thoughts?

He is not aware that anything is lacking. He is not mourning his lot. What loss there is, his friends and neighbours bear. A man destitute of humour is apt to be a formidable person, not subject to sudden deviations from his chosen path, and incapable of frittering away his elementary forces by pottering over both sides of a question.

"But I'll tell you this much, now: you'd do well to stop frittering your life away any more, and never staying on a place for good. And I say as much here and now, so mark my words. I dare say I haven't got on so grandly myself, but I don't know many of our likes have done better, and anyway not you.