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Harold remodeling and working like a little beaver under that good friend's guidance, for Nelly was a skilful little needlewoman. As a result, no girl in the school was more suitably gowned. The only girls who had eyed her critically were Lily Pearl, Helen and Juno. The first because she was too shallow to do aught but follow Helen's lead, and Juno from a naturally critical disposition.

And your mother!" said George, laughing again. "And how pretty she looked, too! Well, sir, they walked in on me this afternoon. I never was so surprised in my life! You know, Mary," said George, taking his own big leather chair, stretching his legs out luxuriously, and eying the tip of a cigar critically, "you know that your mother is an extremely fascinating woman!

"It's not in reason, you know," the visitor objected, critically selecting choice specimens of fruit along the rows and eating them with evident relish, "it's not in reason for a lot of fellows like you, fresh from books and banks, to jump into this sort of thing and make it go without a hitch."

"If you desire to insult me you might have let it be in other company. Or if you will send your husband to repeat it " "I said a pugilist, did I not?" said Lady Caroline, smiling, and putting up her eye-glass. "Your thews and sinews justify me perfectly and so, I must say, does your manner of speech." She let her eye run over his limbs critically, and then she dropped her glass.

Marching up, and looking critically at their faces for a moment, he said, without introduction, "Now, folks, let me guess what you have been talking about." "Ay, sure, if you will," said Sam. "About me." "Now, it is a thing I shouldn't have dreamed of doing, otherwise," said Fairway in a tone of integrity; "but since you have named it, Master Yeobright, I'll own that we was talking about 'ee.

He was the disciple of a holy man annexed by a strong-willed old lady. All things would be prepared for them, and when they were respectfully invited so to do they would sit and eat. For the rest Kim giggled here as he cleaned his teeth his hostess would rather heighten the enjoyment of the road. He inspected her bullocks critically, as they came up grunting and blowing under the yokes.

She might permit them to be amused; help, indeed, to give them a cheery hour in the busy day, but not for a moment would she admit what could be questionable in her scheme. That being proved, Raymond critically attacked the bill of fare. Its promise was like the atmosphere of the place, honest and wholesome. No man is proof against such dishes as were presently set before him.

And if it did it wouldn't much matter. Criticism which is critically given is usually critically received. The maliciousness of adverse criticism seldom lies in the person who voices it, but in the person who carries a tale.

The tone of disgust with which the last word was uttered brought a laugh from Sir Edward Wentworth's companion, who replied, as he took his cigar from his mouth and gazed critically into the worried, perplexed face of his host "My dear fellow, she is not of an age yet to trouble you much. Wait till she gets a bit older.

"No, you sleepy lump, it's treasure." "I don't care about treasure," replied Martin, indifferently. "It's Spaniards." "That sounds better," said Martin, shutting his mouth. "Tell me about it, Master Foy, while I pull on my jerkin." So Foy told him as much as he could in two minutes. "Yes, it sounds well," commented Martin, critically.