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"Eine Welt zwar bist du o Rom; doch ohne die Liebe, Wäre die Welt nicht die Welt, wäre denn Rom auch nicht Rom." These two verses are from Goëthe, the German poet, the philosopher, the man of letters, whose originality and imagination are most remarkable.

They argue with the German play-wright: "Mahomet verbot den Wein, doch vom Champagner sprach er nicht." From the Frenchman at the hotel, whose knowledge of Morocco was "extensive and peculiar," I acquired much of my information on the manners and customs of the people. Watches are only worn and looked at for amusement. Meals are taken at Dah el Aly, El Asser, and El Moghreb.

"Die Schwalb'n flieg'n fort, doch sie zieh'n wieder her; Der Mensch wenn er fortgeht, er kommt nimmermehr!" Waymark was silent for a little after that. When it was nearly eleven o'clock, Casti looked once or twice meaningly at Waymark, and the friends at length rose to take their leave, in spite of much protest.

The infinite, the insatiable desire of the human soul, which can never be wholly satisfied, which can never reach its term, this is the passion which possesses Faust, this is the rock upon which the hopes of the poor devil are shipwrecked, the poor devil who in the limitation of the merely critical and negative temper cannot understand that Faust can never be satisfied, will never say to the moment, 'Verweile doch, du bist zu schön. For the drama of Faust is not a drama of damnation, but of redemption, and though the breadth and scope of the whole conception pass beyond all presentation in complete and rounded form, the great tragedy of Gretchen takes us from the splendid but abstract world of ideas into the simplest experience of human life, where Faust becomes human through love itself, but too slowly, too late to avert the tragedy.

And it did suggest this, for he said, "Oh doch," balancing himself on his heels and toes alternately, as though balancing himself into exact justice. "Oh doch. I think one may honestly say she still is a great country, But " and he raised his voice and his forefinger at me, "let her beware of her money bags. That is my word to England: Beware of thy money bags."

Suddenly and unexpectedly, there entered a light yet mournful phrase in F major, which was almost a dance-rhythm, and seemed to be a small, frail pleading for something not rightly understood. Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit, Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit. The innocent little theme passed away, and the words were sung again to a stern and fateful close in D flat major.

InWill auch ’n Genie werdenthe poet steps out more unmistakably as an adversary of the movement and as a skeptical observer of the exercise of Yorick-like sympathy. “Doch, ich Patronus, merkt das wohl, Geh, im zerrissnen Kittel, Hab’ aber alle Taschen voll Yorickischer Capittel.

Suppose the kindly mist had lifted, and revealed me lunching in the wet on their property, the cousin of the short and lofty letters, the unangenehme Elisabeth! "Die war doch immer verdreht," I could imagine them hastily muttering to each other, before advancing wreathed in welcoming smiles.

No nation should be by its traditions and its ideals more ready to arm itself, and to keep itself armed if necessary for years, against the possibility of the transference of such methods to the American continent than the United States of North America. "Theuer ist mir der Freund, doch auch den Feind kann ich nützen, Zeigt mir der Freund, was ich kann, lehrt mir der Feind was ich soll,"

There, at the foot of that weedy and vacuous and yet charming old Neptune how perfectly he suits his age! there, if you look, you will see certain gigantic leaves sculptured into the rock. I once overheard a German she-tourist saying to her companion, as she pointed to these things: "Ist doch sonderbar, wie das Wasser so die Pflanzen versteinert."