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"Willst du Dichter ganz verstehen, musst in Dichter's Lande gehen." If the reader's imagination is not active enough to assist the poet, he must at least not resist him. When we are once inside the poet's heaven, our critical faculty may justly require that what takes place there shall be consistent with itself, with the laws of that fantastic world.

Though thou sayest thou willst not weep If like the flocking birds, I flock and depart, If like the led birds, I am led away and Depart; thou wilt hang down thine head like A single Eulalia upon the mountain and Thy weeping shall indeed rise as the mist of The morning shower. Then the Empress, taking a wine-cup, approaches and offers it to him, saying: Oh!

"If you will have my pardon, tell me where to find my wife; if not, stand aside," answers Mr. Godwin. "Wilt thee hear me speak for two minutes if I promise to tell thee where she is and suffer thee to find her how thee willst. 'Twill save thee time." "Speak," says Mr. Godwin. "Thy wife is there," says Simon, under his breath, pointing towards my house.

They will gladden your sight after looking at those dreary pedants who are like a flock of wise ravens. Father has brought in the wisest ravens from all the world for you; I have gathered throughout this whole city the most beautiful flowers. Mein Lieichen, was willst du mehr?"

I plan my stay in Europe before going there. I figure my business prospects before forming a partnership. But in profounder affairs, I more wisely set out from the thought of the present, and the patent need of improving it, than from the future with its ideal perfection. Goethe's rule is a good one: "Willst du ins Unendliebe schreiten? So sucht das Endliche, nach allen Seiten."

"Bring her to me nay! keep her at a decent distance so! am I dirt for her broom?" He sat and scowled at her, and the old woman tried to hide more of her protruding bones under the rag of clothing that she wore; she stood, wriggling in evident embarrassment, well out in the sun. "What willst thou steal of mine?" the Prince demanded suddenly. "I am no thief."

I defile from out my Fatherland and from the society of my friends, and out of the house of my father into a strange land, to campaign against the enemies of our king. Therefore I would cast myself with life and soul upon Thy divine bosom and guardianship; and I pray Thee, with prostrate humility, that Thou willst guide me with Thine eye, and overshadow me with Thy wings.

The lesson of this parable is parallel with that other lesson, "Love one another, as I have loved you." Dräseke has happily expressed the conception that to love is truly to live: "Wir finden hier demnach die Lehre: Willst du leben, liebe." Vom Reich G.,

Or if I beg her to give me back some scantling of my wit, Wherewith to deal with the folk and live, she answereth, "Hope it ne'er!" Thou willst my death, ah, woe is me! thou willst nought else but that; Yet I, I can see no goal but thee, towards which my wishes fare. "Thou hast done well, O king's son," said she, "and Jemil also did excellently well.

One feels like saying, "Mein Liebchen, was willst du mehr?" as the poet Heine says. There is no need of putting up sign-boards with "No trespassing here" as no one could scale the walls of the saut de loup, so we feel very safe, especially when the five iron gates are locked. Beyond the park are the chasse, the farm, the vineyards, and the potager. We are so near Paris that we have many visitors.