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For the reader it is a noble poem containing a large ingredient of Schiller's best self. Anchored in Thuringia Ich musz ein Geschoepf um mich haben, das mir gehoert. Letter of 1788. The Weimar of Schiller's first acquaintance arrived there July 21, 1787 consisted of a petty provincial court plus an unsightly village. The inhabitants numbered about six thousand.

Citations from Schiller refer, unless otherwise expressly indicated, to Goedeke's historico-critical edition in 15 vols. The Stuttgart Medicus So gewisz ich sein Werk verstehe, so musz er starke Dosen in Emeticis ebenso lieben als in Aestheticis, und ich moechte ihm lieber zehen Pferde als meine Frau zur Kur uebergeben. Review of 'The Robbers', 1782.

But in that case one's imagination has difficulty with that perspective of years which have accumulated the ancient burden of guilt. The Maid of Orleans Die Schoenheit ist fuer ein glueckliches Geschlecht; ein unglueckliches musz man erhaben zu ruehren suchen. Letter of July 26, 1800.

While lying in the old churchyard the bones of Schiller became commingled with others in the vault, so that the proper reassembling of his mortal framework, in the year 1826, was a matter of some perplexity. The Verdict of Posterity Alles was der Dichter geben kann ist seine Individualitaet; diese musz also wert sein, vor Welt und Nachwelt aufgestellt zu werden. Review of Buerger, 1791.