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Om zich goed in dezen toestand in te denken, doe ik het best een officiëel rapport van het vroegere hoofd der Brusselsche politie, Lenaers, aan te halen: "The women in the houses are subjected to obligations without number, they are forced, so to speak, to give themselves up to the first comer, however deep their repugnance to him may be; they are compelled to incur heavy expenses and to submit themselves to the yoke of the keeper of the houses; their liberty of action is exceedingly limited; they must never be seen at the door or windows of the houses; they scarceley ever go out, and then always under the escort of the mistress; in a word, they possess only that amount of liberty, which the mistress chooses to grant them, and the mistresses extend or control their liberty, as it suits their own interests, and without any reference to the will or preferences of the women."

The Congress expresses the desire: A. That an Agreement should be come to among the Governments To punish, and as far as possible by penalties of equal degree, the procuring of women and girls by violence, fraud, abuse of authority, or any other method of constraint, to give themselves to debauchery, or to continue in it; and in cases, where persons are accused of this crime: 2.

The student monks devote themselves to learning, to study, and to the composition of books and the Buddhist ritual, the tai-sa being the abbot. The jung are mendicant and travelling bonzes, who solicit alms and contributions for the erection and maintenance of the temples and monastic establishments. Zie bl. 59.