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This life of grey studies and half tones, the absence of which you regret in Dickens, is only life as it is looked at. This life of heroes and villains is life as it is lived. The life a man knows best is exactly the life he finds most full of fierce certainties and battles between good and ill his own. O yes, the life we do not care about may easily be a psychological comedy.

It is like the difference between looking on a person without love, or upon the same person with love.... When we see all things in God, and refer all things to him, we read in common matters superior expressions of meaning." Dit is de gevoelsgrond, waarop het symbolisme opgroeit.

The frame weighs between twenty and thirty pounds, and is so made as to rest upon the shoulders without chafing the neck, but so broad as to prevent the person feeding himself. "Tjyei-Tjyou. Cor.

"Close communication between the palace and populace is kept up by means of the pages employed at the court, or through officers, who are sent out as the king's spies all over the country.