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"Iss dot de vay to talk yedt about your mamma?" "She ain't my mamma," declared Sadie, sullenly. "Sthop dot, Sadie!" said Mrs. Kranz. "You cand't remember how sweedt your papa's wife was to you when you was little. Who do you s'pose nursed you t'rough de scarlet fever dot time? Idt wass her." "Huh!" grunted Sadie, but she took a thoughtful bite of cake. "Undt de measles, yedt," went on Mrs. Kranz.

Joe Maroni iss doin' vell. But many are nodt so no. Undt der kinder " "Let's give them all a Christmas," exclaimed Ruth, having a sudden bright, as well as kind, thought. "I'll ask Mr. Howbridge. You shall tell us of those most in need, Mrs. Kranz you and Maria." "Vell dem poor Goronofskys iss de vorst," declared the grocery-store woman, shaking her head.

I sets me der clock, undt figure dot all oudt, so I haf yust der time to valk here. Der sooner you obens der door, Misder Jack, der sooner I pe on der chob," was the reply of the little man who had been hired to watch the mill, and those strange boxes, during the night. Evidently Hans was "strictly business." He had been hired to watch, and he wanted to be earning his wages as quickly as possible.

Undt uff he iss onnust he iss a berfect tressure, undt uff he aint a berfect tressure," he smiled anew and tendered his capacious hat to his listener, "you yoost kin take tiss, Toctor, undt kip udt undt vare udt! Toctor, I vish you a merrah Chris'mus!" The merry day went by. The new year, 1858, set in. Everything gathered momentum. There was a panic and a crash.

"Nixey doing; me for der swamps, undt you can put dot in your pipe undt smoke idt," the one addressed replied, for there were times when the scouts, being off duty, could forget that Paul was anything other than a chum. "Well," the patrol leader went on to say, laughingly, "I'm not going to ask any other fellow, for I see by the looks on your faces that you'd take it as an insult.

"She hadn't ought to told me those quarters she put in that box was mine, when they was to pay the gas man." Mrs. Kranz eyed the complainant shrewdly. "Why vor shouldt you pe paid vor he'pin' your mamma yedt?" she asked. "You vouldn't haf gone from school home yedt undt helped her, if it hadn't been for vat she toldt you about de money. You vorked for de money every time aind't idt?"

Dot Vrankie Merrivell vos a taisy, undt he don'd peen afrait a show to gif anypody. You vait till I tell him vot dose fellers say. I pet me your life he vill gome aroundt bretty kuveek righdt avay." "Oh, don't say anything about it!" exclaimed Snell, as if he really wished Hans to keep silent. "Merriwell knows his business. His friends will stand up for him, no matter what others may say."

Undt te minudt you shpeak, udt choost come to me like a flash o' lightenin' 'Udt iss Misses Richlin'!" The speaker's companion gave her such attention as one may give in a crowd to words that have been heard two or three times already within the hour. "Yes, Alice," she said, once or twice to the little one, who pulled softly at her skirt asking confidential questions.

Said Felix Adler to his hemlock-spruce, "Vivat, crescat, floreat"; and a sentiment much like it was implied in Sol Smith Russell's words to the grove's master as they finished putting in his linden together for he was just then proposing to play Rip Van Winkle, which Joseph Jefferson had finally decided to produce no more: "Here's to your healt', undt der healt' of all your family; may you lif long undt brosper."

Undt it habbens dot yust now I am oudt off a chob. Dot vill pe allright. I hopes me idt turns out so. Undt now, off you like, you could lock der door some. I stay me here till somepody gomes der mornin' py." "Oh! you keep the key, Hans," replied Jack. "You might want to chase out after some one; but father told me to warn you not to be tempted to go far away.