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He caught Richling's face roughly between his hands, and then gave his back a caressing thwack. "Toctor, vot you dtink? Ve goin' teh run prate-cawts mit copponic-essut kass. Tispense mit hawses!" He laughed long but softly, and smote Richling again as the three walked across the bakery yard abreast. "Well?" said Dr. Sevier to Richling, in a low tone, "always working toward the one happy end."

Undt you mus' ugscooce me, Toctor, to callin' on you, ovver I vish you come undt see mine" To the surprise of all, tears gushed from his eyes. "Mine poor vife, Toctor!" He turned to one side, pointed his broad hand toward the floor, and smote his forehead.

"I didn't recommend him to you, sir. I wrote you distinctly that I did not feel at liberty to recommend him." "Tat iss teh troot, Toctor Tseweer; tat iss teh ectsectly troot. Shtill I taught I'll yoost trop in on you to say a verte to you, Toctor, apowt Mister" He hung his large head at one side to remember. "Richling," said the Doctor, impatiently. "Yes, sir. Apowt Mister Richlun.

In a generous and innocent way Reisen grew a little jealous of his accountant, and threw himself into his business as he had not done before since he was young, and in the ardor of his emulation ignored utterly a state of health that was no better because of his great length and breadth. "Toctor Tseweer!" he said, as the physician appeared one day in his office.

But when, two or three hours later, the same vehicle came, tipping somewhat sidewise against the sidewalk at the Charity Hospital gate, and the Doctor stepped from it, there stood Reisen in waiting. "Toctor," he said, approaching and touching his hat, "I like to see you a minudt, uff you bleace, shtrict prifut." They moved slowly down the unfrequented sidewalk, along the garden wall.

I yoost taught I'll trop in undt tell you, Toctor, tat I heffent het Mr. Richlun in my etsteplitchmendt a veek undtil I findte owdt tat he's a berfect tressure." Doctor Sevier started half up from his chair, dropped into it again, wheeled half away, and back again with the blood surging into his face and exclaimed: "Why, what do you mean by such drivelling nonsense, sir?

"I'll come," said the Doctor, without rising; "just write your name and address on that little white slate yonder." "Toctor," said the German, extending and dipping his hat, "I'm ferra much a-velcome to you, Toctor; undt tat's yoost fot te pottekerra by mine corner sayt you vould too.

His conviviality engaged them so much, that they seemed eager to shew their attention to him, and vied with each other in crying out, with a strong Celtick pronunciation, 'Toctor Shonson, Toctor Shonson, your health!

"Now, tat prate kot life in udt yoost teh same like your own selluf, Toctor. Tot prate kot yoost so much sense ass Reisen kot. Ovver, Toctor Toctor" the Doctor was giving his attention to Richling, who was explaining something "Toctor, toandt you come here uxpectin' to see nopoty sick, less-n udt iss Mr. Richlun."

'What do you say? said Mary disgustedly, keeping well to one side, though only the head moved. 'Cassée, it repeated. 'Che me rends. Le médicin! Toctor! 'Nein! said she, bringing all her small German to bear with the big pistol. 'Ich haben der todt Kinder gesehn. The head was still. Mary's hand dropped. She had been careful to keep her finger off the trigger for fear of accidents.