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She spoke as though she was not wedded to any inflexible opinion concerning the proposition. "Well, Mrs. Reisen, as a man once said to me, 'neither can you make a sow's ear out of a silk purse." "Vell, to be cettaintly!" said the poor woman, drawing not the shadow of an inference; "how kin you?" "Mr. Richling tells me he will write to Mrs. Richling to prepare to come down in the fall."

I couldn't go to Mary when she has but just come through a mother's pains and dangers and say, 'I've thrown away seven good chances of life to run away from one bad one. Why, to say nothing else, Reisen can't spare me." He smiled with boyish vanity. "O Richling, that's silly!" "I I know it," exclaimed the other, quickly; "I see it is.

Richling had only time to answer with his eyes, when the baker, always clinging close to them, said, "Yes; if I toandt look oudt yet, he pe rich pefore Reisen." The Doctor looked steadily at Richling, stood still, and said, "Don't hurry." But Richling swung playfully half around on his heel, dropped his glance, and jerked his head sidewise, as one who neither resented the advice nor took it.

Langstadt, Reisen nach Sud-America, Asien, und Africa. Hildesheim, 1789. 8vo. Recueil de divers Voyages faites en Afrique et Amérique. Paris, 1674. 4to. 145. Voyages du Cheval. Marchais en Guinée, Isles voisines, et

"I yoost come in fun mine paykery undt comin' into mine howse, fen I see someting" he waved his hand downward again "someting layin' on te floor face pleck ans a nigger's; undt fen I look to see who udt iss, udt is Mississ Reisen! Toctor, I vish you come right off! I couldn't shtayndt udt you toandt come right avay!"

He had been losing friends, one every few days; and he thought it only plain duty, let fear or prudence say what they might, to visit them at their bedsides and follow them to their tombs. It was not only the outer man of Reisen, but the heart as well, that was elephantine.

"Well, madam," replied the physician, with unusual tenderness of tone, and looking at Richling while he spoke, "of course you'll do as you think best." "Oh! my poor Reisen!" exclaimed the wife, wringing her hands. "Yes," said the physician, rising and looking out of the window, "I am afraid it will be ruin to Reisen." "No, it won't be such a thing," said Mrs.

"See here, Reisen," said the Doctor, "I want you to pack your trunk, take the late boat, and go to Biloxi or Pascagoula, and spend a month fishing and sailing." The baker pushed his fingers up under his hat, scratched his head, smiled widely, and pointed at Richling. "Sendt him."

Sevier that Richling came to him a few days later with a face all trouble. "How are you, Richling? How's Reisen?" "Doctor," said Richling, "I'm afraid Mr. Reisen is" Their eyes met. "Insane," said the Doctor. "Yes." "Does his wife know whether he has ever had such symptoms before in his life?" "She says he hasn't." "I suppose you know his pecuniary condition perfectly; has he money?" "Plenty."

Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man, 1794. 8vo. Wood's Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, 1811. 8vo. Falle's Account of Jersey, 1734, 8vo. Berry's History of Guernsey, with particulars of Alderney, Sark, and Jersey, 1815. 4to. Dicey's Account of Guernsey, 1751. 12mo. Neueste reisen durch Schottland and Ireland. Von Volkman. Leip. 1784. 8vo.