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As soon as the report of the guns had died away, Foster sprang into one of his quarter-boats and hailed the other ship. "Ship ahoy!" he roared "why do you fire at me?" "Ha, ha! I know you," came back in mocking tones. "Now vill I sendt you to der tuyvel, you greasy valer mans. I am Captain Portveldt, und dis is der Swift. Vill you surrunder, or vill I smash you to beices?"

"You toandt kott enna verte to sendt to Mr. Richlun, Toctor!" "Yes. Tell him to come and pass an hour with me some evening in my library." The German lifted his hand in delight. "Vy, tot's yoost teh dting! Mr. Richlun alvayss pin sayin', 'I vish he aysk me come undt see um; undt I sayss, 'You holdt shtill, yet, Mr.

"Dell dot oncivil yong mans Voster who vas dell me to go to ter tuyvel, dot I vill sendt der Bolicy und her master mit der grew to der tuyvel if he gomes mein vay mit his zeep." "Now, Captain Foster, what do you think of that, pray?" "Very pretty talk; what do you think of it?" "Well, I'm only a poor little woman; but if I were a man I would " "Exactly so, Dolly.

You've given me a positive fright!" He frowned the blacker as the baker smiled from ear to ear. "Vy, Toctor, I hope you ugscooce me! I yoost taught you voot like to herr udt. Undt Missis Reisen sayce, 'Reisen, you yoost co undt tell um. I taught udt voot pe blessant to you to know tatt you hett sendt me teh fynust pissness mayn I effer het apowdt me.

"See here, Reisen," said the Doctor, "I want you to pack your trunk, take the late boat, and go to Biloxi or Pascagoula, and spend a month fishing and sailing." The baker pushed his fingers up under his hat, scratched his head, smiled widely, and pointed at Richling. "Sendt him."