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They want to do away with all distinctions in ranks, to make a duke no better than his valet, and a gentleman highwayman class with a filcher of fogles. But, damme, if I don't think misfortune levels us all quite enough; and misfortune brings me here, little Dummie." "Ah! you vants to keep out of the vay of the bulkies!" "Right.

Glen, vy you makes play mit der gun dot vay? Donnerwetter! ven I speak mit you, stand op mit der little finger to der seam of der pantaloons. You vill never be no good." "Ebers," I interrupted, "let the men rest as they please. I regret having ridden so hard, but I am used to soldiers who are toughened in field work. Are you pretty sore, Sergeant?"

"Heyday! were have you come from? who are you? what do you want?" cried the Englishwoman, pulling the bell, which made no sound. "The bells dey are in cotton-vool, but hafe not any fear I shall go 'vay," said he. "Dat is dirty tousant franc I hafe tron in de vater. Are you dat mistress of Mensieur Lucien de Rubempre?"

"Ah! so eet vas you, señorita!" she exclaimed, her voice betraying her emotion, "you, who come so dis night. Sapristi! vy you follow me dis vay? By all de saints, I make you tell me dat! You vant him, too? You vant rob me of all thing?"

As to the ingen, a nasty, wheezin’, gaspin’, puffin’, bustin’ monster always out o’ breath, with a shiny green and gold back like an onpleasant beetle; as to the ingen as is always a pourin’ out red ’ot coals at night an’ black smoke in the day, the sensiblest thing it does, in my opinion, is ven there’s somethin’ in the vay, it sets up that ’ere frightful scream vich seems to say, ‘Now ’ere’s two ’undred an’ forty passengers in the werry greatest extremity o’ danger, an’ ’ere’s their two ’undred an’ forty screams in vun!’”

You vas a member of von shurch and I vas a member of anoder, deacon, and we can talk togeder like brudders, a little vay, anyhow.

Spen' money dot vot you got. Me, I stay here. I fin' heem; you not got heem all offer de vorld. I tol' you, of a man he keel somebody, he run vay, bot he goin' coom back where he done it. He not know it vot for he do it, bot he do it all right." "Look here, Nelson; it's outrageous! You can't lay claim to that money.

The Senhor Antonio stood close behind the Irishman, with his arms folded and a sarcastic smile on his countenance. "Don't send it down him's throat," yelled Sambo. "Hi-i, dat's de vay to swing um round. Stir um up, boys! poke um up, villains, hi!"

"'Tis I haf been running alreadty. Sat iss not so tiresome as to valk. Also it is safeh. I runned all se vay. Vill you sose drops drop faw me?" Her hand trembled. I took the vial but did not meet her glance: for I was wondering if there was anything in the world she could ask of me that I would not do, and at such a time it is good for anyone as weak as I am to look at inanimate things.

"Come, Carlson, what do you mean by addressing such language to Captain Wayne?" "Veil," said the Swede, so agitated by the excitement about him he could scarcely find English in which to express himself intelligibly, "it vos dis vay. I vould not insult Captain Vayne; oh, no, bot it vos told to me, an' I vould haf him to know how it all vos.