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"How vas dat?" "Vell, I shall hafe de little house vat dat poor Teufel Falleix should furnish for his mis'ess this year. I shall hafe all dat for fifty tousant franc to de creditors; and my notary, Maitre Cardot, shall hafe my orders to buy de house, for de lan'lord vant de money I knew dat, but I hat lost mein head.

"Besides, young men are too selfish; they think more of themselves than of us; while you, now, think only of me. I am all your life to you. And I will take nothing more from you. I want to prove to you how disinterested I am." "Vy, I hafe gifen you notink," cried the Baron, enchanted. "I propose to gife you to-morrow tirty tousant francs a year in a Government bond. Dat is mein vedding gift."

The colonel was half mad and half pleased. He tapped his forehead with his fore-finger, and looked at his officers in a manner that showed he believed my head was wrong, but he said kindly: "My man, you go oud and sit under a tree, in the shade, and I vill hafe your poots found if they are in my rechiment," and I went out.

"Heyday! were have you come from? who are you? what do you want?" cried the Englishwoman, pulling the bell, which made no sound. "The bells dey are in cotton-vool, but hafe not any fear I shall go 'vay," said he. "Dat is dirty tousant franc I hafe tron in de vater. Are you dat mistress of Mensieur Lucien de Rubempre?"

You will be comfortable here. N'est-ce pas, Polly?" Pierre gesticulated as he explained volubly. He even illustrated the comfort by lying down in the travois himself and giving a dramatic representation of sleep. The young man grumbled, but gave way reluctantly. "How's Billie Prince?" he asked presently from the cot where he lay. "He will hafe a fever, but soon he will be well again.

"If you would only be a father to me, I would love you very much; I would never leave you; and you would see that I am not a bad woman, not grasping or greedy, as I must seem to you now " "You hafe done some little follies," said the Baron, "like all dose pretty vomen dat is all. Say no more about dat. It is our pusiness to make money for you. Be happy!

Jacques Falleix was stockbroker in ordinary to the house of Nucingen. In concert with du Tillet and the Kellers, the Baron had plotted the ruin of this man in cold blood, as if it had been the killing of a Passover lamb. "He could not hafe helt on," replied the Baron quietly. Jacques Falleix had done them immense service in stock-jobbing.

"Poor leetle ting!" said Nucingen. "Do not stop here ein moment longer." The Baron offered her his arm; he led her away just as she was, and put her into his carriage with more respect perhaps than he would have shown to the handsome Duchesse de Maufrigneuse. "You shall hafe a fine carriage, de prettiest carriage in Paris," said Nucingen, as they drove along.

"Yes, she vas cheating me. Oh, Esther, my life! Vas a fool hafe I been! Can such flowers ever bloom for de old men! I can buy all vat I vill except only yout! Ach Gott, ach Gott! Vat shall I do! Vat shall become of me! She is right, dat cruel Europe. Esther, if she is rich, shall not be for me. Shall I go hank myself? Vat is life midout de divine flame of joy dat I have known?

Hafe past five i' th' morning till eight of a night, and then Saturday afternoon walk ten mile to Glossop with a week's work on ye' back, and home again wi' th' brass. 'They've lost th' habit of work now-a-days, seemingly, he went on, as the car moved off once more, but slowly, because of the vast crowds emerging from the Knype football ground.