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Contenson handed him three packets covered with blue paper, which the Baron took, looking at the man, and adding in an undertone: "It should hafe been a better day's vork for you ven you had gife me notice." "Why, how should I know you were here, Monsieur le Baron?" replied the spy, heedless whether Louchard heard him. "You lost my services by withdrawing your confidence.

"Besides, young men are too selfish; they think more of themselves than of us; while you, now, think only of me. I am all your life to you. And I will take nothing more from you. I want to prove to you how disinterested I am." "Vy, I hafe gifen you notink," cried the Baron, enchanted. "I propose to gife you to-morrow tirty tousant francs a year in a Government bond. Dat is mein vedding gift."

"Louchard, you shall gife ein hundert francs to Contenson out of the change of the tousand-franc note." "De lady is a beauty," said the cashier to the Baron, as they left the Rue Taitbout, "but she is costing you ver' dear, Monsieur le Baron." "Keep my segret," said the Baron, who had said the same to Contenson and Louchard.

"You shall hafe no more debts I shall arrange mit Eugenie, an' in ein mont you shall go 'vay from dese rooms and go to dat little palace. Vas a pretty hant. Gife it me dat I shall kiss it." Esther gave him her hand as a dog gives a paw. "Ach, ja! You shall gife de hant, but not de heart, and it is dat heart I lofe!"

I will not lock the door into her room, and then well, the rest is your concern so be ready." "I shall pay you the twenty-fife tousand francs in dat drawing-room. You gife I gife!" "Indeed!" said Europe, "you are so confiding as all that? On my word!" "Oh, you will hafe your chance to fleece me yet. We shall be friends."

At the Bourse the Baron de Nucingen was so gay, so cheerful, seemed so easy-going, and allowed himself so many jests, that du Tillet and the Kellers, who were on 'change, could not help asking him the reason of his high spirits. "I am belofed. Ve shall soon gife dat house-varming," he told du Tillet.

You know the doctor who poisoned his friend? He wanted the money to gratify a woman." "Ja, I know all dat. But if I am in lofe, I am not ein idiot, at least vile I am here; but if I shall see her, I shall gife her my pocket-book " "Well, listen Monsieur le Baron," said Asie, assuming the attitude of a Semiramis. "You have been squeezed dry enough already.

The Professor leaned forward and, fixing me with his eye, spoke in a hoarse whisper, tense with excitement: "Mees Veenship, I am a biologist; you are a voman, creature of Nature, yearning for perfection after your kind. I I can gife it you. You can trust me; I am ready. I can gif you your vish, t'e vish of efery normal voman. Science t'at is I can make you t'e most beautiful being in t'e vorld!"

I shall gife you, you'self, tventy per cent if you make the job." "Impossible, M. le Baron." "What, monsieur, you could have the heart to let my mistress go to prison?" said Europe, intervening. "But take my wages, my savings; take them, madame; I have forty thousand francs " "Ah, my good girl, I did not really know you!" cried Esther, clasping Europe in her arms.

"To fly!" cried the Baron, in dismay at the notion. "But the Bourse, the Bourse! Go 'vay, I shall not come in. But tell her that I shall see her at her window dat shall gife me courage!" Esther smiled at Monsieur de Nucingen as he passed the house, and he went ponderously on his way, saying: "She is ein anchel!" This was how Europe had succeeded in achieving the impossible.