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"That would tebendt," said Lindau, trying to control himself. "If you hat inheritedt your money, you might pe innocent; but if you hat mate it, efery man that resbectedt himself would haf to ask how you mate it, and if you hat mate moch, he would know " "Hold on; hold on, now, Lindau! Ain't that rather un-American doctrine?

"That's good; let's have it," said Rushford, encouragingly. "There's nothing like ideas." "Monsieur will remember," began Pelletan, in a voice carefully lowered, "t'at we agreed to touble t'e price of entertainment." "Yes what of it? Anybody been kicking?" "No au contraire, monsieur t'e house iss full efery leetle room." "You see you don't need Zeit-Zeit; it's quite like the old times, isn't it?"

She tolt me dot she vould like to come home for a visit but her husband he does not vant her to go dere nefer again. My jobber haf tolt me dot Mr. Biggs is git drunk efery day. Bim she t'ink de place no good. She haf tolt me dey treat de niggers awful. She haf cry ven she tolt me dot." "Poor child!" said Abe. "I'm afraid she's in trouble."

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me . . . yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.

All that was passing in his inmost soul was communicated in that tight pressure. And so for awhile the friends sat like two lovers, meeting at last after a long absence. "Tine here, efery tay!" broke out Schmucke, inwardly blessing Mme. de Marville for her hardness of heart. "Look here! Ve shall go a prick-a-pracking togeders, und der teufel shall nefer show his tail here."

I vant to see him. "I walked into the office. The old man was looking at me over his specs as I went in. He grabbed me by the hand and said so loud you could hear him all over the house: 'Ah, Chim, dot vas tandy orter. How dit you do id mitoud cotting prices, Chim? You vas a motel for efery men we haf in der house. I did nod know we hat a salesman in der office.

Here is the "Dreacle Piple," berfect, from tidel page to the last line of Revelations. Here is efery blay-pill that has ever been issued at Her Majesty's Theatre from the time it vas opened until now. He patted and fondled his treasure with a smiling pride and affection. Nopoty stobs in my house a minute who touches my books.

"Gif only I vas rich enof to lif like dis efery tay " began the good German in a melancholy voice. But here Mme. Cibot appeared upon the scene. Pons had given her an order for the theatre from time to time, and stood in consequence almost as high in her esteem and affection as her boarder Schmucke.

"I was told this afternoon," added Rushford, grimly, "that he was probably staying here at my expense." "Eet iss not so!" cried Pelletan, his eyes flashing. "I pay for heem efery tay I charge myself mit' twenty franc for hees account." "But what on earth for?" demanded Rushford. "What have you done robbed a bank or committed murder?"

"Vat means dot 'cheese it'?" he asked, rubbing his bald head in helpless bewilderment. "Efery dime dey says 'cheese it, somedings vas gone." To the lawlessness of the street the home opposes no obstacle, as we have seen. Within the memory of most of us the school did not. It might have more to offer even now.