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"You will find Eugenie a sharp customer," said Asie. "I found her for madame." "Hah! I know her!" cried the millionaire, laughing. "She haf fleeced me out of dirty tousant franc." Esther shuddered with horror in a way that would have led a man of any feeling to trust her with his fortune. "Oh, dat vas mein own fault," the Baron said. "I vas seeking for you."

"Six huntert tousant franc!" cried the Baron, with a start. "Esther is to cost me a million to begin with!" "Happiness is surely worth sixteen hundred thousand francs, you old sinner. You must know, men in these days have certainly spent more than one or two millions on a mistress. I even know women who have cost men their lives, for whom heads have rolled into the basket.

"You hafe a genius for corruption," said the Baron, who had listened to Asie in admiring silence, "just as I hafe de knack of de banking." "Then it is settled, my pigeon?" said Asie. "Done for fifty tousant franc insteat of ein hundert tousant! An' I shall give you fife hundert tousant de day after my triumph." "Very good, I will set to work," said Asie.

I shall gif you one tousant franc." Louchard, a little weasel, who had never been able to purchase an office as lawyer, notary, clerk, or attorney, leered at the Baron in a significant fashion. "To you a thousand crowns, or let it alone. You will get them back in a few seconds on the Bourse," said he. "I will gif you one tousant franc," repeated the Baron.

I haf receifed die aggonts. You vill haf one hundert tousant francs, Matame de Nucingen, so you can buy chewels and oder tings to make you bretty, as if you could be brettier!" "Good God! the Ragons sold their shares!" exclaimed Birotteau. "Who are those persons?" asked the elegant de Marsay, smiling. "Egzactly," said Monsieur de Nucingen, turning back when he was almost at the door.

Mos' people wat comes here is more graspin'. Mos' people wants ter git out." "Ha!" said Tulitz. "De warden said fer me ter come in here an' tell yer' he'd send fer anybody yer wanter see." "Zere is nopotty." "Aincher got no friends?" "Ven I haf money, I have friend beaucoup, more friend as I know vat to do viz. I haf no money now." "Wot's your bail?" "Fi' tousant tollaire! Bah!

Vat is fi' tousant tollaire? Many time I spend him viz no more care as I light my cigar. A bagatelle! But," and he added this with a curiously grim expression, "I haf no bagatelle to-day." The guard sidled up to Tulitz and whispered in his ear, "What'll yer gimme if I gitcher a bondsman?" "Ha!" said Tulitz, "you haf ze man?"

"My cashier lives at de corner of Rue des Mathurins and Rue de l'Arcate. Here is ein vort for dat he shall go to du Tillet or to de Kellers, in case ve shall not hafe a hundert tousant franc for our cash shall be at de Bank. Get dress', my anchel," he said to Esther. "You are at liberty. An' old vomans," he went on, looking at Asie, "are more dangerous as young vomans."

"How vas dat?" "Vell, I shall hafe de little house vat dat poor Teufel Falleix should furnish for his mis'ess this year. I shall hafe all dat for fifty tousant franc to de creditors; and my notary, Maitre Cardot, shall hafe my orders to buy de house, for de lan'lord vant de money I knew dat, but I hat lost mein head.

"But I shall hafe paid ein hundert tousant franc." "In the course of the second week," Asie went on, as though she had not heard this lamentable ejaculation, "madame, tempted by these preliminaries, will have made up her mind to leave her little apartment and move to the house you are giving her.