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"My Nellie?" yelled Rasco. "Dot's it, Rasco. Ain't it awful! Dot Irish vomans seen dot Indian mit dot girl in his arms, flying der trail ofer like a biece of baber pefore a cyclone alretty!" "Humpendinck, are you telling the truth?" "I vos tole you vot dot Irish vomans tole me. Mike Delaney und dree udder mans vos lookin' for you."

He points to a circular roof supported on stone pillars sheltering water-tanks and primitive laundry essentials "Dthat ees a 'pila, a place vhere dthe vomans vash dthe garments." It is surrounded by buxom young girls with dripping linen in their hands which they seemed to be beating on stone slabs. "Dthat tree dthat grow beside ees palma cristi."

"Vomans air much better take care off; dthey air fery happy, I 'sure you," and turning to me "You vould like it yourself after a leedle." "Indeed I shouldn't! And neither would the unfortunates who had charge of me." We pass a Catholic graveyard with high adobe wall and are at the Hospital Municipal, our objective point.

I shall come in once in a while to see you and, if you are willing, to talk to you." "But you don't say nudding about Kitty's room. Vait till oh, dere you are, you darlin' girl! You mind de store, Masie. Now you come vid me and I show you de finest vomans you never see in your whole life!"

I know only dthat you American vomans haf yust one fault: you air how you zay? spoil vidth too great power; you raispect no von's judgment, you need zome strong man to rule." "To rule!" I echo, scornfully; "that may do for Peruvians, but our women are neither slaves nor imbeciles." "No," he retorts, "but zome zay your men air a leedle of bodth!"

Eet is de way so strange of de Providence. It look lak de good Lord make one fine man, fines' Heem can make a man as should get de love of vomans an' leetle children an' den Heem mak up his min' for to tak heem avay. An' Heem good Lord know why, but I tink I better pray. Maybe de good Lord Heem 'ear an' tink let heem lif a whiles yet, eh?"

"Master Bigley Master Bigley, I was afraid I should never see you any more!" "Brave vomans? Ha, ha! Brave vomans!" cried the Frenchman. "Look here, Duncan!" said the doctor. "I don't think we'll trouble Mr Uggleston any more. We want to get back home." "Yes," said my father; "but " He made a movement with his head towards the French skipper.

I see the admiration in Baron de Bach's face. "You like that type?" I ask. "It ees part of dthe landscape," he answers; "ve like it in dthe picture. Ve put more deeferent vomans in our hearts and homes." "H'm!" coughs Mrs. Steele. "My dear, the boatman is coming back with a huge bunch of cocoanuts." "Yes," the Baron says, "I dthought you vould like to taste dthe milk."

She is better as a hundert ladies she is joost a plain vomans who keeps a express office over dere Cleary's Express. You don't know it? Vell, dot's your fault. Dot's her boy Bobby outside de door. He has been up vid his fadder to de Grand Central for some sideboards and sofas I been buyin'. You vant to look at 'em ven dey git unloaded.

"An' here's now in New York, that's got to be so wicked honest folks can't live in it, a lot o' crazy men talking about building one of these here steamboats big enough to cross the Atlantic." "Der won't be much heerd of de mans nir de vomans vat goes in um," interrupted Hanz. "Peoples is not sho crazy as t'too any un de sort. 'Tis all hombug;" joined the doctor.