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I returned late in the afternoon, and a few minutes afterwards my telephone rang, and I discovered that somebody else was dissatisfied with life. "Hello, Billy," said the voice of T-S. "I see dat feller Carpenter is in jail. Vy don't you bail him out?" "He won't let me," I said. "Vell, maybe it might be a good ting to leave him in jail a veek, till dis Brigade convention gits over."

They were too far off, and spoke too low, for Otto to catch the drift of the talk, and it was only when Felix, who had followed the priest outside the door, had returned that he called, from his high seat under the gas-jet: "Vell, vat did Father Cruse say?" Felix drew his brows together. "Say about what?" he asked, as if the question had surprised him. "About Beesving. Didn't you ask him?"

"Oh!" shrieked the girls, and then everybody but Hans set up a laugh. The German youth looked suspiciously out from under the table. "Vot's der madder did he go off?" he questioned. "Yes, he did, Hans," answered Grace. "It was nothing but a cracker full of colored paper instead of powder." "Is dot so?" Hans got up and looked around. "Vell, I neffer!

Then I made all haste to my own house again and had the relief to see, as Senda came toward me from her husband's room, that he had told her nothing. "Vell?" she eagerly asked. "Well, Monsieur Fontenette is greatly improved!" "O sat iss goodt! And se Madame; she, too, is betteh? a little? eh no-o?"

Fie, lad! you be sarved right; stick by your border, then you'll be 'spected when you gets into trouble, and not be 'varsally 'spised, as you'll be arter church-time! Vell, I can't be seen 'sorting with you, now you are in this d'rogotary fix; it might hurt my c'r'acter, both with them as built the stocks and them as wants to pull 'em down. Old kettles to mend! Vy, you makes me forgit the Sabbath!

This, it seemed to him, would be a simple feat, particularly with his friend Bunker to assist; but he had to confess that the provision of Chinese news would certainly be more difficult. "Ach, vell, I shall contradict China," he agreed.

"Vell, I put it on top of dis safe," observed Mr. Swartz, "and I forgot to lock it up, ven Mr. Elder came in, and kept me talking nearly two hours, den de beggar came in and remained for a long time. After dat I vas busy mit the ledger, and didn't think of it." "Perhaps you have placed it somewhere else, and cannot recollect where," remarked the clerk, who was apprehensive that Mr.

There you are, sir; might shave in 'em!" "How much to pay?" "Vell, gen'lemen usually gives me a penny, but that's in or'nary cases. Ven I has to shine boots like a pair o' ships' boats I looks for suthin' hextra though I don't always get it!" "There you are, my lad," said the captain, giving the boy something "hextra," which appeared to satisfy him.

Chalousie have destroyed a sowsand-sowsand times so much happiness as it ever saved ah! see se lightening! I sink sat is se displeasu'e of heaven to my so bad English. Ah? see it again? vell, I vill stop." "You ought to be in a better world than this," laughed our fat neighbor. "No," she chanted, "I rasser sis one.

"Can't, marm," replied Jemima, "they be all begged and crumbed, with their tails in their mouths." "Vell, then, never mind, Jemima," replied the lady. "Don't put your finger into the parrot's cage, my love he's apt to be cross with strangers. Mr Handycock will be home at four o'clock, and then we shall have our dinner. Are you fond of viting?"