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Frank took Hans aside and said: "This affair has assumed a much more serious aspect than seemed possible at first." "Vos dot Yankee abologized alretty yet?" asked Hans, anxiously. "Far from it." The Dutch boy gave a groan of dismay, but stiffened up to say: "Dot seddles his coose! I knocks uf him der sduffins oudt."

"Wha what a fearful wind!" groaned the tall boy, when he could speak. "This is the worst storm I ever saw!" "Oh, but I'm sorry I ever came to camp," groaned William Philander Tubbs. "I'm so wet the water is actually running out of my shoetops!" "Ton't said a vord," came from Hans. "I dink me I half a rifer floating mine packpone town alretty!

Switzer, as he saw a steaming dish brought on the table, topped with smoking sausages. "Dot is fine alretty yet!" "Disgusting!" scoffed Miss Pennington, turning up a nose that in itself showed a tendency to "tilt." There was time, in the twilight that followed supper, for the players to look about the buildings at Rocky Ranch. All the structures, as Mr. Norton had said, were of only one story.

"Von of dem say dot poy vos stole some money alretty." "It was a cock-and-bull story to make him a prisoner," said Tom. "I'm going to find him if I can," and he threw himself on the door with all of his strength. At first the barrier refused to budge, but when Sam and Frank also pushed, it gave way with a bang, hurling the trio to the floor inside.

"You vant me to bractise running, so dot I gan catch you, eh?" grunted the German. "You vant me to eat breakfast sawdust for a dyspepsia vot I ain't got, huh? You vant me to dake breathing eggsercises ven I can dake more air into my lungs, alretty, dan your whole body gan disblace? You vant me to do monkey-tricks mit a dumb-pell, yen I gan do things like dis?"

"Come on mit you!" he cried excitedly in broken English. "Da have got Sam and Stanley and dot friend of yours alretty! Hurry up, or da was killed before we git to help 'em!" "They? Who?" asked Dick, leaping up. "Sophs down by der gym!" And then Max cooled down a bit and related what he had seen. "We must surely go to the rescue!" cried Tom. "Wait! I'll get clubs for all hands!"

"I chust so vell vear mine cap alretty." As the party progressed the way become more uncertain, and at last they reached the edge of a swamp, beyond which was some kind of a canebrake. They saw numerous footprints in the soft soil, and these led further still to the westward. "Listen!" said Dick, presently, and held up his hand.

The cadets gathered around the fires and sang song after song, and not a few practical jokes were played. "Hans, they tell me you feel cold and want your blood shook up," said Tom to Hans Mueller, the German cadet. "Coldt, is it?" queried Hans. "Vot you dinks, I vos coldt mid der borometer apout two hundred by der shade, ain't it? I vos so hot like I lif in Africa alretty!"

But before he could manage it, the thing was given a toss and up he went, high into the air. "Oh! Mine cracious!" he gasped and came down with a crash, to go up again an instant later. Then up and down went the boy, turning over and over, until he was all but dazed. "Stop! Murder! Fire! Robbers!" he roared. "Let me owid, kvick! I vos turning outsides in alretty! Oh, stop, von't you, blease!"

And, jabbering excitedly now, both at once, the two old people began pouring their tale into his ears; told their boy's name, "He was a gorboral alretty," and they were justly proud, and Davies made them happy by noting the name and company in his book and giving his own, though he explained that he was not yet a lieutenant, only a just-graduated cadet, but that if ever he found the corporal, he said, he should tell him of his pleasant meeting with the old folks, and then, after a cup of coffee at the restaurant counter, he returned to his own thoughts and the car.