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He did not like it; and later, when they were alone, Warburton was distinctly impressed with Pierre's displeasure. "You can not please her, and you can not please me. Bah! Zat ees vat comes uf teaching a groom table manners instead uf stable manners. And you vill smell uf horse! I do not understand Mees Annesley; no!" And there were other humiliations, petty ones.

Merle was in the pantry, with a big apron on, ranging jars of preserves on the shelves. "Here, dearest little wife," cried Peer, throwing his arms about her, "what do you say to a little run?" "Now? Do you suppose a housewife has nothing better to do than gad about? Uf! my hair! you'll make it come down." Peer took her arm and led her over to a window looking out on the lake. "There, dearest!

Better let me go in and show 'em haow to pitch." "Go avay pack and sit down," advised Hans derisively. "You vould dood a lot uf goot uf you vould pitch, vouldn't you!" "If I couldn't do better than yeou're doing naow, I'd never play another game of baseball!" retorted Gallup. "He's envious," said Sparkfair. "Don't listen to him. I know you'll strike me out. You can't help it."

"Nothing would please us better," replied the lad. "Then you shall haf it," said Mynheer, as he led the way up the stair and into the room. "Do you remember, Tayoga, how wild you wass when you came here to learn the good ways und bad ways uf the white people?" "I do," replied Tayoga, "and the walls and the roof felt oppressive to me, although we have stout log houses of our own in our villages.

"Yah, ve vill fighd lige eferyting," declared Fritz Schmockenburg. "Ve are nod avraid uf der retgoads, und dot is so." "How soon will the battle take place, Dick?" queried Ben Foster. Dick shook his head. "As to that I cannot say, Ben," he replied. "But it will come soon enough, without doubt, for the British have twenty-five thousand soldiers, while we have not more than eighteen thousand."

"By the way, Else, I dreamed last night that we were going to be married." Both the girls shrieked with delight at this. "And Mari, you were married to the bailiff." "Oh my! That old creature down at Moen?" "He was much older. Ninety years old he was." "Uf! you're always at your nonsense," said the red-haired girl, stirring away at her huge, steaming cauldron. Peer went out again.

The Fight "Get off there, Koku!" "Stand up!" "Run!" "Get out uf the way! That's going up!" Thus cried Tom and his friends to the big, good-natured, but somewhat stupid, giant who had sat down in the dangerous spot. Koku looked toward the hut, in front of which the young inventor and the others stood, waving their hands to him and shouting. "Get up! Get up!" cried Tom, frantically.

"Waal," chuckled the Vermonter, "if you want to express your tongue, send it to the Adams Express Company." "Maype I think dot vos a coot choke!" sneered Hans. "You alvays vos so funny, Ephie, dot you caused me puckets uf tears to veep." Frank presented Juanita and Mrs. Morton, and when it was all over Hans sank on a chair, quite overcome.

This conclusion, I say, weakens the dramatic power of the close, but it does not prevent Sir John Barnavelt from occupying a high place among our dramatic treasures. ST. PETERSBURG, New Year's Eve, 1882. Reprinted in Mrs. Bray's Tamar and the Tavy. Printed in The Court and Times uf Charles the First, &c.

Hans' teeth were plainly heard to rattle together like dice. "One!" counted Barney. "Uf he don'd run avay, I vas reaty to hear him abologize," murmured the Dutch lad. "Say!" Ephraim hoarsely whispered to Sammy. "Git a rope an' tie me, quick! Hang me ef I don't believe my legs is goin' to run the best I kin do." "Two!" counted Barney. "Shimminy Gristmas! vere vas someding I can hide pehind?"