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I asked why, and was told that a woman had heard me speak German. I replied that I was English. "Zat ve saal soon zee," said one of my captors. "I spek Anglish like an Anglishman, address to me the vord in Anglish." I replied that the gentleman spoke English with so perfect an accent that I thought he must be a fellow-countryman.

"I'm yoost goin' over to Hugo's wid dis leddy. If I go real smart I can get back in time, but I got to hurry a bit. So long! I come right soon back. Leave a vord for Tom und be ready de moment I come. I make it, sure!" With this assurance he started off again, while the woman was still crying out her thanks. There was a long bit of good going now, which they covered at a good pace.

So, v'en the Corp tipped me the vord, sir, I put my castor on my sconce, slipped a barker in my cly, took my stick in my fib or as you might say 'daddle, d' ye see, and toddled over to keep a ogle on you. And, sir, if it hadn't been for the young gent as shadowed ye all the way to Giles's Rents, it's my opinion as they'd ha' done you into a corp as you come along."

"I ride out from San Juan for vat you call constitutional mercy, such a vord, señor! an' I stray up dis trail. See? It vas most steep, my, so steep, like I slide off; but de mustang he climb de hill, all right, an' den I see you, señor, an' know dere vas a mine here. Not de big mine bah! I care not for dat kind but just one leetle mine, vere I no be 'fraid to go down.

The Baron expressed no further wish for instruction, but, instead, he began to show a desire for society. “Doesn’t one fool suffice?” his friend asked. “Ach, yes, my vise fool; ha, ha, ha! Bot sometimes I haf ze craving for peoples, museec, dancingin vun vord, society, Bonker!” “But this is not the season, Baron. You wouldn’t mix with any but the best society, would you?”

Vell, sat is vun sing se preacher forget to say May be he haf not se time, but I sink he forget: sat sare is no hussbandt in se whole vorldt and also sare is no vife so sp' spirit' spirited? no? Ah, yes spiritual! yes, sank you. Vhen I catch me a bigk vord I am so proudt, yet, as I hadt a fish caught!" I was willing to believe it, but thought how still more true it was of Mrs. Fontenette.

'Dere some hard vord vos, said Adolf, patiently, 'of which I gannot dze meaning. James briefly cursed the hard word. 'But, proceeded Adolf, 'of one vord, of dze vord "giss", I dze meaning know. Zo! James looked at him. There was a pause. Two minutes later the English lesson was in full swing.

The ticker shrieked its message above the storm's din like a little laughing demon: "The Van Dam Trust Company Has Closed Its Doors and Asked for the Appointment of a Receiver!" "Impossible!" "A fake!" "Hell it's a joke!" From all who read it at first came these muttered exclamations. It was beyond belief. The "Judge" was particularly emphatic. "Dot's a lie, chentlemens! Take my vord for it!

For dat gran'fader, I says notings to de police for dis time; bud if you says one leetle more vord apout de young lady or dat goot poy Jim, or makes afrait any more dese schillens, den you see some dings to make you shtare. Go, go!" And Theodore stood not upon the order of his going.

Efen if she haf not lofe, but only t'e ambition of power or learning or vealt', I might pity her vit' equal injustice, but I cannot. She vill not let me. She does not know t'at she is a failure. She prides herself upon being so mis-made. She cannot help t'at; neit'er can I help despising her. Such vomen are abnormal, monstrous, in a vord, failures. Let t'em die! You, I t'ink, are not so.