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Veil, mein friendts, andt how vags the vorldt wid you, mein tdears? Bray, bray, do let me sit town a momend. "Pepusch took the great man's hat, Colley Cibber took his stick, and my great-uncle wheeled round his reading-chair, which was somewhat about the dimensions of that in which our kings and queens are crowned; and then the great man sat him down.

Vy, for nod-ing in the vorldt pode the bleasure and bastime of them who, having no widt, nor no want, set at loggerheads such men as live by their widts, to worry and destroy one andt anodere as wild beasts in the Golloseum in the dimes of the Romans. "Poor Dr. Pepusch during this conversation, as my great-uncle observed, was sitting on thorns; he was in the confederacy professionally only.

Fontenette was saying, when Senda interrupted: "Ah! vhat vife is sat? In vhat part of se vorldt does she lif, and how long she is marriedt? No-o, no! Sare is only vun kindt of vife in se whole vorldt vhat realize her ideal hussbandt; and sat is se vife vhat idealize her real hussbandt.

Vell, sat is vun sing se preacher forget to say May be he haf not se time, but I sink he forget: sat sare is no hussbandt in se whole vorldt and also sare is no vife so sp' spirit' spirited? no? Ah, yes spiritual! yes, sank you. Vhen I catch me a bigk vord I am so proudt, yet, as I hadt a fish caught!" I was willing to believe it, but thought how still more true it was of Mrs. Fontenette.

'I want to have your judgment on it. 'Dake it away! cried Darco; 'dake it away. I am wriding blays myselluf, ant I will nod look at other beoble's. No. Dake it away! Paul stared at him in confusion. 'I do not vant to look at anypoty's blays, said Darco. 'I haf got alreaty all the tramatic iteas there ever haf been in the vorldt all there efer will be.