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Armstrong -a period of unassuaged incertitude, sir. Daroo burst down upon him like a stormy wind. 'Don't stand jattering there. Co ant do somethings. 'I have nothing at this moment which calls for my attention, I do assure you, Mr. Darco. 'Then find somethings. There is always blenty for efery-boty to do about a theadre. Mr.

He pawned the dressing-case old Darco had given him and the dress-suit which he had not worn for four years, and he had his meals, such as they were, at a cabman's restaurant, and his last penny went, and tobacco famine set in; and his landlord, who was a maudlin man with a cultured turn for drink, would come in at night to his sitting-room and cry, and say that the water-rates were going to cut the supply; and the butcher had said, 'No more credit after Saturday.

'I have some excuses, of which I can't talk, said Paul; 'but I don't resent what you are saying. I am very sorry to have kept you waiting. I promise you that you shall have all my time and all my best energies for this one spell of work in any case. After that 'Veil, said Darco, 'afder that? 'Heaven knows! Paul answered. 'Don't say any more just now, Darco. Let us go to work.

I shall tell him how clever you are, and that you are ambitious and want to get to London. You'll get nothing like such a salary as Darco gave you not more than half at the outside. You'll live in a poky little garret at the top of a smoky London house, and you'll pay thirty shillings a week for board and lodging, and the rest will go in washing and 'bus fares.

Berry, the first comedian, poked Earlsford, the leading man, in the waistcoat. 'You'll have to look to your laurels in a year or two. 'Now, said Miss Belmont, 'you can't expect to shine tonight. That wouldn't be reasonable, would it? But if you won't prevent the rest from shining you'll have done your duty nobly. Never you mind Darco: I'll keep him out of the house to-night.

'Jarlie Prown is Glautia Pelmond, said Darco. 'She has kebt her initials. C stands for Glautia, just as veil as it stands for Jarlie; and P stands both for Prown and Pelmond. She has ruint as many men as she has does and vingers. It is no pusiness of mine. Co your vays, you silly itiot 'Id is your dime of life to be an itiot, and it is my dime of life to laugh at you.

You shall have the best I can give you. 'I shall speag to you, said Darco, 'with an egsdreme blain-ness. I haf not forgotten our first parting. You did not dreat me well. 'I know I didn't, Paul said. 'Ant now, continued Darco, refusing to be mollified all at once, 'you haf wasted months of valuable dime, ant you ant I are both the poorer by hundrets ant hundrets of pounts.

'Ve are koink, said Darco, 'to the Hareng d'Or, where they haf a dry champagne, and where they can give you such a preakfast as you cannot get in the world. Ant I shall have a Cloria with a zeventy-year-old Gogniag in it. Ant the Blat de chour is a Navarin de mouton. I saw that as I passed the house two hours aco. I shall haf two boitions, mind you. 'Twenty! cried Paul. 'No, said Darco.

'I am baying you goot vages, said Darco. 'You vill not get as goot vages. Vot is the madder? 'It is no question of wages, sir, returned Paul 'I had not thought of looking for another situation even, though I shall have to do so, of course. But it is absolutely essential that I should be in London. I hope you won't think that I am acting ungratefully.

But I'm not so silly as to believe you, Paul. 'Claudia, said Paul they had reached by this time to the brotherly and sisterly attitude, and sat on the couch together, with the sisterly arm round Paul's neck I was bitterly sorry to leave old Darco, and to let him think that I was ungrateful. I know how much he has done for me. 'I am sure I am not sorry to leave Darco, she said.