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'Jarlie Prown is Glautia Pelmond, said Darco. 'She has kebt her initials. C stands for Glautia, just as veil as it stands for Jarlie; and P stands both for Prown and Pelmond. She has ruint as many men as she has does and vingers. It is no pusiness of mine. Co your vays, you silly itiot 'Id is your dime of life to be an itiot, and it is my dime of life to laugh at you.

"Yesseh," said Narcisse, "now since you 'ave wemawk the mention of it, I think I have saw that va'iety of bwead." "Oh, surely you poundt to a-seedt udt. A uckly little prown dting" "But cook well," said Narcisse. "Yayss," drawled the baker. It was a fact that he had to admit. "An' good flou'," persisted the Creole. "Yayss," said the smiling manufacturer. He could not deny that either.

"Der sthory she tole I can's most believe him." "See here, out with the whole thing, or I'll swat yer one on the cocoanut, Humpendinck!" roared Rasco. "Yer as long-winded ez a mule thet's gone blind." "Gracious, Rasco, you vouldn't hit me, afther I ride me dree miles und more ter tole you?" wailed the German, reproachfully. "I dink me you vos mine pest friend, next to Pawnee Prown, ain't it?"

Memory went further than either of them, and carried him back to the days when he had broken his career in two for the sake of Miss Belmont, old Darco's Middle Jarley Prown. He had played the flat traitor to Darco once already for the sake of one woman, and now, as he began to see, he was once more using him very ill for the sake of another.

I haf never seen such a tarn fool in all my tays ant years nefer: nefer since I gave up peing a tarn fool myself. You can vork; you haf got prains; you haf cot a gareer in front of you; you are one-ant-dwenty. My Cott! you are one-and-dwenty; ant you haf prains, ant intustry, ant jances, and you juck them all into the gudder for liddle Jarlie Prown. 'Who is Jarlie Prown? asked Paul.