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I have known what it was to be reduced in fortune," my dear grandmother's voice trembled a little "and can feel for those who thus suffer." "Matam, dere might be moch trut' in some of dis," answered my uncle, taking off his cap, and bowing very much like a gentleman, an act in which I imitated him immediately. "We haf seen petter tays; and my son, dere, hast peen edicatet at an university.

"I lofe to look at t'em, monsieur," confessed Pelletan. "Personal acquaintances, perhaps." "Not all of t'em, monsieur; but t'ey haf about t'em t'e flavour off Paris off t'at tear Paris off which I tream each night; t'ey recall t'e tays off my yout'!" "Oh, are you a Parisian? I should never have suspected it. Your accent " "I am off Elsass, monsieur.

Dirty days is der price, or fifteen tollars." "Is dat straight, or a game you givin' me?" "It's der pest tip you efer had. I gif it to you pecause I pelief you are not so bad as der rest. Und pecause you gan visl 'Der Freischütz' bezzer dan I myself gan. Don't run against any more bolicemans aroundt der corners, but go away from town a few tays. Good-pye."

It is absurd to vork and train your sdrength gif you haf a dreasure. Get better; ve vill sell some prick-a-prack und end our tays kvietly in a corner somveres, mit kind Montame Zipod." "She has perverted you," moaned Pons. Mme. Cibot had taken up her station behind the bed to make signals unobserved. Pons thought that she had left the room. "She is murdering me," he added. "What is that?

I towd tho mony a time. But thae tays no moor notis o' me nor if aw 're a milestone, or a turmit, or summat. A mon o' thy years should have a bit o' sense. "'Well, well, said Isaac, hobblin' off, 'do howd thi din, lass! I'll go an' see what ails it.

"Cot pless your honour, I should n't have thought of meeting any pody here at this time of the morning, except, look you, it was the tevil who, to pe sure, toes not often come upon consecrated cround put for all that, I think I have seen him now and then, in former tays, when old Nanny Llwyd of Llyn-isa was living Cot teliver us! a terriple old witch to pe sure she was I tid n't much like tigging her crave put I prought two cocks with me the tevil hates cocks and tied them py the leg on two tombstones and I tug, and the cocks crowed, and the tevil kept at a tistance.

I say, Rosalie, what a rumpus there will be at the theatre! But it is not possible " "Our benefactor must not live in a garret " "Pshaw! for die few tays dat I haf to lif it ees fery komfortable," said Schmucke. "Goot-pye; I am going to der zemetery, to see vat dey haf don mit Bons, und to order som flowers for his grafe." Mme. Camusot de Marville was consumed by the liveliest apprehensions.

I haf never seen such a tarn fool in all my tays ant years nefer: nefer since I gave up peing a tarn fool myself. You can vork; you haf got prains; you haf cot a gareer in front of you; you are one-ant-dwenty. My Cott! you are one-and-dwenty; ant you haf prains, ant intustry, ant jances, and you juck them all into the gudder for liddle Jarlie Prown. 'Who is Jarlie Prown? asked Paul.

She would rather not pe knowing, for ta man might pe a Cam'ell poth. And if she couldn't pe lofing you no more, my son, she would pe tie before her time, and her tays would pe long in ta land under ta crass, my son."

It iss a wolf that will be livin' inside o' me for the last few tays a hungry wolf too an' nothin' for him to eat. That's right, Okematan, on wi' the kettle; it iss yourself that knows what it iss to starve. Blow up the fire, Peter Tavidson. You're a cliver boy for your age, an' hes goot lungs, I make no doubt."