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Confident that no one knew anything about what had happened except Jim Edwards and himself, he intended to make his narrative striking. "Yes, seh, Ah'll tol' de trut'. Well, seh, Ah'll be goin' t'rough M'sieu' Edwards's horchard walkin' t'rough same as any mans. Den I look, han' I see dat leetly boy in de windy, a-shoutin' and a-cussin' lak he gone crazee in hees head.

Do you know whether my fiddle's in tune or no? trut...prut.. . They should be fifths. 'Tis wickedly strung tr...a.e.i.o.u.-twang. The bridge is a mile too high, and the sound post absolutely down, else trut...prut hark! tis not so bad a tone. Diddle diddle, diddle diddle, diddle diddle, dum.

"I've often wondered why you didn't take Me-linda Crée. You've no objection to Indians. She's next door to you, and she knows how to nurse in sickness, besides being a good washer and ironer. The summer folks say she makes the best fish pies on the island." "It is de trut'!" exclaimed Jules, a new light shining in his dim blue eye as he turned it towards the house of Melinda Crée.

Is it a bigger one nor usual? ''Twas the livin' trut'! answered Mulvaney, stretching out a huge arm and catching Ortheris by the collar. 'Now where are ye, me son? Will ye take the wurrud av the Lorrd out av my mouth another time? He shook him to emphasise the question.

"Now, me boys," said he, "you was see we have konker you again. You behold the sea?" pointing over the side; "well, that bees your bed to-night if you no behave. Now, I wants to know, who is best man of you as onderstand die cost? Speak de trut', else you die." The English lieutenant at once turned to Ruby. "Well, cast him loose; de rest of you go b'low good day, ver' moch indeed."

Ah gass he don' tell var' much trut'." "Then they are mission grapes?" "Yass, 'm; dey all meession grapes; dey mek var' good wahn." The girl's face flamed an angry red under her crimpled thatch of hair. She put out her hand with a swift, protecting gesture, and caught her father's sleeve. The little man's cheeks were pale gray above his shaggy beard.

Once inside, Lapierre fixed his eyes upon the boss canoeman. "Well you have watched Apaw what have you found out?" "Apaw I'm t'ink she spik de trut'." "Speak the truth hell! Why didn't he get down here ahead of MacNair, then? What have I got spies for to drag in after MacNair's gone and tell me he's been here?" LeFroy shrugged. "MacNair Injuns dey com' pret' near catch Apaw dey keel Stamix.

"Yes, sah, he dat, no one can deny. Ah! Masser Mile, em 'ere step-husband, after all, nebber jest like a body own husband! Cupid berry honest, and berry sober; but he only step-husband; and dat I tell him twenty time already, I do t'ink, if trut' was said." "Perhaps you have now said it often enough twenty times are quite sufficient to tell a man such a fact."

By God, I don't have to take nothin' off you nor your husband! I ain't one of your hired men. For one time a woman like you is going to hear de trut' about what you are, and no fine city words to it, needer." "Really, Mr. Valborg " "What you done wit' him? Heh? I'll yoost tell you what you done! He was a good boy, even if he was a damn fool. I want him back on de farm.

"Most gladly, Peter," returned the missionary, springing to his feet with alacrity "and I shall have one more opportunity to show your friends the truth of what I have told them." "Yes, Injin love to hear trut' hate to hear lie. Can tell 'em all you want to say. He go too, eh?" pointing to the corporal, who rather hung back, as if he saw that in the invitation which was not agreeable to him.