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Though he limped painfully with one foot, the other hit the ground impatiently, like the good horse in a poorly matched team. As he walked along, he was talking to himself: "I wonder what dey 'll do w'en I git back? I wonder how Nancy 's s'ported the fambly all dese years? Tuck in washin', I s'ppose, she was a monst'us good washer an' ironer.

Malvina Levesque got into trouble last year with Mathurin Poilu. Leg of mutton...................twenty-five sous sou Rosalie Vatinel was seen in the Riboudet woods with Cesaire Pienoir, by Mme. Onesime, the ironer, on July the 20th about dusk.

Seats adjusted to the machines are provided for at the a. Collar ironer feeder. b. Collar ironer catcher. c. Collar dampener feeder. d. Collar dampener catcher. e. Collar straightener. f. Collar starcher feeder. g. Collar starcher catcher. h. Handkerchief flat-work feeder and catcher. i. Folders on small work. j. Collar shaper. k. Collar seam-dampener. l. Straight collar shaper.

Each ironer has a bit of wax, which he passes over the hot iron when he comes to the front, the collar, or the wrist-bands, and he boasts that he can goffer a frill or "bring up" a pattern of lace better than a Chinaman.

'Right, thou! he apostrophized the old Ironer, at a point of his meditation. 'And right, thou! more largely right! he thought, further advanced in it, of the great Giuseppe, the Genoese.

Annie was the most superior person on our floor. And Miss Cross. In face, form, neatness, and manners Miss Cross could have held her own socially anywhere. But according to orthodox standards Miss Cross's grammar was faulty. She had worked always in our laundry, beginning as a hand ironer. She knew the days when hours were longer than nine and pay lower than fourteen dollars a week.

He did not doubt my honesty, and I astonished him by taking him quite in earnest. He has dealt with diplomatists, who imagine nothing but shuffling: the old Ironer! I love him for his love of common sense, his contempt of mean deceit. He will outwit you, but his dexterity is a giant's a simple evolution rapidly performed: and nothing so much perplexes pygmies! Then he has them, bagsful of them!

She comes to me one day, more than six year ago, an' says, 'Mike, says she, 'why don't you marry Phoebe Moxley? ''Cause I don't want to marry her, nor nobody else, says I. 'But you ought to, said she, 'for she's a good woman an' a nice washer an' ironer, an' you'd do well together. 'Don't want no washin' nor ironin', nor no Phoebe, neither, says I. But she didn't mind nothin' what I said, an' goes an' tells everybody that me an' Phoebe was goin' to be married; an' then it was we did git married, jest to stop people talkin' so much about it, an' now look at us.

He did not doubt my honesty, and I astonished him by taking him quite in earnest. He has dealt with diplomatists, who imagine nothing but shuffling: the old Ironer! I love him for his love of common sense, his contempt of mean deceit. He will outwit you, but his dexterity is a giant's a simple evolution rapidly performed: and nothing so much perplexes pygmies! Then he has them, bagsful of them!

Shadowily he thought of the hard words hurled at him by the Rudigers, and of the injury Clotilde's father did him by plotting to rob him of his daughter. But how had an Alvan replied? with the arts of peaceful fence victoriously. He conceived of no temptation to his repressed irascibility save the political. A day might come for him and the vehement old Ironer to try their mettle in a tussle.