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But the boy, who was now close at hand, still went on. 'Hush! scush! scurry! There you go in a hurry! Gobble! gobble! goblin! There you go a wobblin'; Hobble, hobble, hobblin' Cobble! cobble! cobblin'! Hob-bob-goblin! Huuuuuh! 'There! said the boy, as he stood still opposite them. 'There! that'll do for them. They can't bear singing, and they can't stand that song.

We've pitched camp, an' I've hobbled this Jerry mule an' his mate the other wheeler an' throwed 'em loose, an' is busy hobblin' my nigh-swing mule, when trouble begins fomentin' between my tenderfoot an' Jerry. "The fact is it's done fomented.

Livid blotches met his gaze the gums swollen and discoloured. He dropped back sick and pale, staring at his bulky comrade, dazed and uncomprehending. Carefully replacing the lamp, George continued: "I felt it comin' quite a while back, pains in my knees an' all that thought mebbe you'd notice me hobblin' about. I can't git around good feel sort of stove up an' spavined on my feet."

"`I'll give yiz a bucketin! says she; and she up with the stick and landed him a skelp, an' driv him roarin' and hobblin' before her, and locked him up in the cabin, an' kep' him on bread an' wather for a wake to get the moon out of his head; but she might have saved her thruble, for that day month in it was agin. . . . There she comes!"

Well, I got up behind the fly, and rides a bit, and walks a bit, keepin' the fly in sight until we comes to the Victorier; and there stoops down behind, and watches my gent hobble into the hotel, in awful pain with that lame leg of his, judgin' the faces he makes; and he walks into the coffee-room, and I makes bold to foller him; but there never was sech a young innercent as me, and I sees my party sittin' warmin' his poor lame leg, and with a carpet-bag, and railway-rug, and sechlike on the table beside him; and presently he gets up, hobblin' worse than ever, and goes outside, and I hears him makin' inquiries about the best way of gettin' on to Edinborough by train; and I sat quiet, not more than three minutes at most, becos', you see, I didn't want to look like follerin' him; and in three minutes time, out I goes, makin' as sure to find him in the bar as I make sure of your bein' close beside me at this moment; but when I went outside into the hall, and bar and sechlike, there wasn't a mortal vestige of that man to be seen; but the waiter, he tells me, as dignified and cool as yer please, that the lame gentleman has gone out by the door looking towards the water, and has only gone to have a look at the place, and get a few cigars, and will be back in ten minutes to a chop which is bein' cooked for him.

So Tim follows him, he hobblin', and they goes to the pond side, and there, sure enough, stood a tin bucket full of wather, an' on the wather the refliction of the moon.

I towd tho mony a time. But thae tays no moor notis o' me nor if aw 're a milestone, or a turmit, or summat. A mon o' thy years should have a bit o' sense. "'Well, well, said Isaac, hobblin' off, 'do howd thi din, lass! I'll go an' see what ails it.

Why, I couldn't do 'nuff for him in tryn' to make him forget all the hard times he'd had. Then says she, 'You would twit the child with bein' weak, puny, and deformed, would you? I was now hobblin' up and down the room in a great state of excitement, and says I, 'Mrs.

After hobblin' an' throwin' loose my team, I lugs out the grub-box all sorrowful an' goes into camp. "Which I should allers have played the Colonel for dead, if it ain't that years later he one day comes wanderin' into Wolfville. He ain't tender now; he's as hard as moss-agates, an' as worthless.

I'm gettin' too old, too plumb old and disgusted with this vale of steers to change and tie down to short grass. Now you're near enough to the age of that little Louise girl to make life interestin'." "Who said anything about her?" "Whoa, Chico! Back up. You're steppin' on your bridle. Don't go 'way mad. Why, I said somethin' about her, that's who. You got any idea of hobblin' my talk?" "No. But "